Sunday, July 7, 2013

What Are Good Asthma Remedies For Babies?

Compared to adults, babies are difficult to diagnose when they are sick because they cannot tell you what hurts and how often. For sure, you will need the help of a doctor to identify the disease that is affecting your baby. First, the doctor will ask for your family's medical history. Next, tests will be administered to rule out other possible illnesses that can affect your baby.

Asthma symptoms like coughing and wheezing can also be symptoms of other diseases. This is why it is vital to rule out other illnesses before an asthma diagnosis is established. To establish the correct diagnosis, your doctor will ask if you have observed any pattern in the symptoms. Does the baby experience these symptoms later at night or all throughout the day? Is there something that the baby did before the symptoms occurred?

These patterns are very important because these will support an asthma diagnosis. Remember that asthma symptoms are caused by exposure to certain triggers that affect your baby. The triggers can be dust mites, animal dander, pollen, cockroach, smoke, cigarette smoke, exercise, and others. If you have identified the triggers, you will know how to better prevent an asthma attack from happening again.

Once a diagnosis is established, asthma remedies for babies will be given. There are generally two types of asthma remedies for babies: relievers and controllers.

If your baby is experiencing an asthma attack, quick relievers are prescribed as rescue medication to stop the asthma attack at once. Quick relievers are good asthma remedies for babies because these act fast in stopping spasm in the air passages. Albuterol is a popular quick reliever which is administered through a nebulizer or metered-dose inhaler.

A nebulizer turns medicine that is in liquid form into a mist. This is a battery-powered or electric machine. Once the quick reliever is in mist form, this will be easier for your baby to breathe in. A mask is attached to the nebulizer to aid in inhaling the mist. Treatment with a nebulizer takes around ten minutes. Many doctors prescribe nebulizers as asthma remedies for babies.

A metered-dose inhaler is a little aerosol can which is inserted into a holding chamber or spacer. A small mask is attached to the holding chamber or spacer. Once the inhaler is pumped, the anti-asthma medication is sprayed into the spacer which makes it easier for your baby to inhale. Many doctors prefer inhalers because drug is delivered into your baby's air passages in as short as one minute. Inhalers are also popular asthma remedies for babies. On the other hand, for prevention of asthma attacks, controllers are prescribed as asthma remedies for babies. These are steroids which act by reducing inflammation. Steroids are also delivered through a nebulizer or metered-dose inhaler.

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