Monday, August 26, 2013

How to See Exercise Induced Asthma Symptoms

Asthma is a disease characterized by inflammation of the air passages. The symptoms of asthma can be caused by many things called triggers like pollen, dust, dirt, and even exercise. Yes, even exercise can cause asthma. If you start feeling the symptoms of asthma like coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, chest pain, shortness of breath, and extreme fatigue in 5 to 20 minutes since you started exercising, you may be experiencing exercise induced asthma symptoms.

Exercise induced asthma symptoms are just like the usual symptoms of asthma. The only difference is that these symptoms are triggered by exercising. In children, aside from the usual symptoms of asthma, exercise induced asthma can have discreet representations. You may consider the following examples as exercise induced asthma symptoms: children who avoid or do not like participating in physical activities or games; children who complain of difficulty in playing games and sports with their peers. Those are the symptoms in children can lead to problems with socialization or low self-esteem.

Remember that you may experience this kind of asthma symptoms a few minutes after you start to exercise or even a few minutes after finishing your workout. It is important to observe the time when you feel the symptoms because this will be key in identifying the cause of the symptoms. When you consult a doctor, asthma can be diagnosed by a series of tests and evaluations. Tests may be any of the following: spirometry, peak flow meter, oximetry, and chest radiography. If this will worsen, consult your doctor immediately.

Most people who experience this asthma symptoms wonder if they will have to prevent any form of physical activity for the rest of their lives. The answer is no. In fact, many great athletes have experience exercise induced symptoms. Look at Dennis Rodman. He has exercise induced asthma but he can play basketball.

The key is prevention. In order to live normal lives and participate in sports activities, people with exercise induced asthma are given drugs to prevent the symptoms.

Asthma inhalers or bronchodilators are great in the said symptoms. These asthma inhalers are prescribed to be taken before exercising. If taken 15 to 20 minutes prior to exercise, asthma inhalers prevent and control exercise induced asthma symptoms for 4 to 6 hours.

Long-acting beta-2 agonists are also prescribed. When taken in the morning, these medications can prevent and control the symptoms for 12 hours. Also, warming up before exercising and cooling down after exercising are effective in preventing the said symptoms.

Certain types of exercises or sports are considered well tolerated by people with this kind of asthma symptoms. Examples of these are baseball, gymnastics, volleyball, walking, wrestling, and swimming.

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