Monday, August 26, 2013

Treatment And Solutions For Asthma

Asthma is now becoming one of the major health problems affecting people around the world. Asthma is a chronic, treatable disease that causes narrowing of airways in the lungs in response to allergens, making it difficult to breathe at times. When not treated properly it can interfere with the daily life of the patient and cause breathing complications and even lead to death. Assessing and monitoring the condition is the first important step towards treating asthma.

The specific medical treatment for asthma depends on the severity of the condition and the frequency of symptoms. Specific treatments for asthma are broadly classified as relief medications, preventive medications and emergency treatment. Bronchodilators are recommended for short-term relief for all patients. Patients with mild occasional attacks need no other medication. For people with mild persistent attacks, low-dose glucocorticoids, a mastcell stabilizer or leukotriene modifiers are to be taken in addition to relievers. In severe asthmatics oral glucocorticoids may be added to these treatments during attacks.

Asthmatics must also identify the triggers that cause the allergic reaction in them and find ways to reduce or eliminate them. Asthma is very strongly associated with air pollution, which causes the condition to worsen in asthmatics.

While the medications can sometimes help control the symptoms of asthma, it is often a temporary measure only and does not address the root cause. Besides these prescription drugs can cause side effects such as fatigue, dizziness, depression, impotence, liver damage and more. That is why more and more patients now are choosing natural medicines that address the root cause, over pharmaceutical drugs that trick the body's immune response system. The task in case of asthma is to strengthen the weak body systems and soothe and calm the hyperactive systems. This is done by substances called catalysts.

Natural medications provide natural organic catalysts to the body that restore balance in the system and thereby eliminate all the symptoms without any side effects. Breathing techniques such as pranayam, buteyko and yoga practices also are helpful as they naturally help the breathing and the general well-being of patients. Nutritional supplements and good diet will help improve the immune response and the overall health of the patients. Asthma sufferers should try to manage their condition as much as possible with complementary therapies to avoid further stressing their immune system with drug residues.

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