Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Can Milk Cause Asthma Symptoms Such As Wheezing - Does It Cause Mucus Production?

It is widely regarded by many people suffering from asthma, that drinking milk can cause excessive mucus or phlegm production which in turn will lead to asthmatic symptoms.

In fact even I have believed this to be true in the past. I have convinced myself that drinking dairy milk was worsening my asthma. I even switched to drinking soy milk for many years, having to acquire a taste to that controversial milk type, until I found out how dangerous that is!

So to answer your question, no I do not believe that milk does cause asthma. This is a total misconception. Recent studies have proven no link between drinking milk and asthma or excessive mucus production. Unless you have some sort of intolerance to dairy milk, drinking milk will not cause asthma.

I know there are a lot of people out there saying otherwise and they are entitled to their opinions. My personal opinion is that no food on this planet can cause asthma. If it did, everybody who drinks or eats that particular food would develop asthmatic symptoms. But we know that is not true. It may trigger asthma but only those with an existing intolerance. The only way to tell if you are intolerant is by finding out for yourself. Do not believe whatever anybody says about this issue. Milk is a nutritional staple in many people's diet and you shouldn't just exclude it because of something you read on the internet.

This is especially important if you are a parent of an asthmatic child. Milk is one of the best foods for a growing body. It provides high amounts of protein and other essential vitamins and minerals for growth and development including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, riboflavin, vitamin A and zinc.

However in saying that animal proteins or excessive amounts should I say, can contribute or trigger asthma symptoms in some circumstances. So it isn't a problem exclusive to milk, but anything which contains animal proteins such as meats and other dairy products such as cheese and yoghurt. If you are concerned and you do believe that milk is causing you or somebody you love to become asthmatic, try coconut milk, almond milk or rice milk.

Personally I drink milk and have been living asthma free for many years. I know that it is not milk or anything for that matter in my diet that will determine whether or not I develop asthmatic symptoms providing I follow the 2 Golden rules.

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