Friday, August 16, 2013

False Diagnosis of Asthma

False diagnoses or misdiagnoses are cases of people that just don't think it to be something as serious as asthma. Some people would think that coughing and wheezing is just a cold that will not let go. Some colds as you know can hang on for weeks but the symptoms of asthma don't go away, they only get worse. Only through a medical health professional can you get the true facts on what is going on. If it is you or your child with these symptoms it is a good idea to get the right diagnoses. Don't wait to get looked at because getting a prompt check up from a doctor has saved many lives.

There are other symptoms that at first could look like an asthma attack or signs asthma could be developing. Cardiovascular disease has similar symptoms as does bronchitis, colds and even pneumonia. Congestive heart failure also has the signs and symptoms of someone that is suffering from asthma. You can never be sure if it is really asthma or not. So make sure you leave the diagnosing to a medical professional. Asthma is a very serious chronic condition that mostly affects children. Children are the most hard hit by this chronic illness it is important to watch them closely for any signs of asthma.

It is said that asthma is hereditary. If you have family members that have been diagnosed with asthma, the chances are pretty high you may also have it. If your family has had a history of allergies then you could be susceptible to developing asthma. Eczema and Hay fever have also been linked to the signs and symptoms of asthma. There are no real diagnoses, on what actually causes asthma. There are many factors that you need to watch for. Coughing (is worse at night) wheezing and tightness in the chest are early signs to watch for.

So let's think about this for a moment. What if environmental pollution was causing asthma? The freeway jammed packed with vehicles would be taken more seriously because they are constantly filling the air with their deadly emissions. What if the cause was a body burdened of toxins and chemicals than it can't naturally remove? It is my belief that asthma's biggest contributor is environmental exposures. Our planet has become a toxic waste dumping ground. Our industries pump out tons of environmental pollution into our air, where no one can escape from it. If we knew the exact cause of asthma it would be easy to find a way to overcome it, wouldn't it? Follow me; I have something to share with you.

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