Saturday, August 24, 2013

Knowing the Asthma Symptoms Can Save Your Life

Millions of people around the world suffer from asthma, with several thousand fatalities resulting from the disease. Being an allergic inflammation of the lungs, which can occur due to a variety of reasons, asthma symptoms are not clear from the onset to identify immediately by the common person, and require a medical practitioner to perform a diagnosis. When a person suffers from an asthma attack, the inflammation of the walls and formation of sticky mucus inside the lungs ends up making it difficult for the person to breathe. While the severity of the attack can vary from time to time, there are cases where it can go on for a few days instead of a few minutes.

Full diagnosis by a medical specialist who has knowledge of asthma symptoms can yield an effective response and help the person gain quick access to medications and treatment. However, certain asthma symptoms are for the sufferer themselves to judge, before deciding on seeing the specialist or not. These include experiencing a scratchy throat, bouts of coughing, shortness in breadth, wheezing sounds when breathing, and tight sensation in the chest area.

Asthma symptoms can pop up due to a number of reasons; the environment at home and at work, the general state of health of the person, the diet and exercise regimen that is followed, as well as levels of stress. Even location and climate can cause certain asthma symptoms to develop leading to more severe problems later on. It is important that the following symptoms be kept a close watch on, and asthma sufferers immediately seek medical advice upon discovering any one:

• If you are already a sufferer, and feel that the medication prescribed by the practitioner is not taking effect as it should, this is an asthma symptom for an expected severe attack.

• Another asthma symptom, especially for a serious attack, is when you have trouble, breathing, talking and walking. With such activities causing botheration, it is essential to immediately seek emergency medical care.

• Should your finger nails or lips turn blue, this due to a lack of oxygen. This is another asthma symptom of an impending attack, and requires medical attention.

• An asthma symptom is also if your chest feels congested, with pressure on ribs when breathing. This could be another sign to state of something serious going down soon, and should be referred to the practitioner at the earliest.

Whether you are an asthma sufferer yourself or know someone who is, or otherwise; it is important that one understands these symptoms so that when case presents itself, you are able to possibly assist in the saving of someone's life.

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