Sunday, July 7, 2013

Top Ten Ways To Prevent Asthma Symptoms Naturally

Asthma is a condition of the respiratory system affecting millions of people worldwide. It is a common condition, especially in children. If you are suffering from asthma, you should be in close consultation with a respiratory expert. In saying that, I credit you have found this article and for searching for a more natural approach.

Thankfully, I may be able to help you in a more holistic and natural way then perhaps your G.P can.

I think that it is AMAZING how I can now control my asthma to the point I can say that I have found my cure and even more AMAZING is now I can and do help countless of others around the world do the same.

You see asthma is not all that intimidating to me. I DO NOT view asthma as an incurable disease, I merely view asthma as one or two symptoms of a normal bodily reaction which I can control.

Below is my Top Ten Natural Ways To Prevent Asthma Symptoms.

10. Get adequate Vitamin D. Asthma is an immune disorder. Vitamin D is regarded as the immune vitamin. Take stock. Get it into you!

9. Eat a good enzyme rich balanced diet with plenty of fresh natural foods, vegetables and nuts and seeds.

8. Eat a diet rich in anti-imflammatory foods. E.g, Spices, Garlic, Onions etc.

7. Get a source of probiotics into your diet. Such as yoghurt or fermented vegetables. Another great immune booster.

6. Maintain a clean environment where you live and work. Avoid pollution, dust and dust mites.

5. Get plenty of exercise. If you exercise regularly, your symptoms will be VASTLY improved.

4. Don't overeat. Overeating can speed up the cardio-vascular system, making breathing more labored. Especially important before bed time.

3. Don't Sleep on your back.

2. Breathe through your nose.

1. The most important aspect of controlling asthma starts at the very foundation. THE BREATH. If you do not breathe correctly you will most certainly experience the symptoms of asthma, such as wheezing, coughing, tightness in the chest, rapid and irregular heart beat. So how do you breathe correctly? Do you even know what it means to breathe correctly? Probably not, but I can and I want to show you how simple it is.

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