Monday, July 8, 2013

Exercises That Are Good For Asthma

Patients often question doctors about exercise and asthma, wondering if it is safe to perform activities that increase their breathing rate. Whatever activities you might consider undertaking, inform your physician first.

Certain physical conditions may cause your caregiver to limit extensive exercise programs. Your doctor can advise you as to what activities are best suited for your particular situation.

As a general rule, activities that do not require long periods of exertion are fine for asthmatic individuals. Sports like baseball and volleyball are good choices as movements come in short bursts of energy.

Wrestling and gymnastics fall into this form of quick and short exertions. Depending on the stamina of the individual, aerobics, biking, running on a treadmill or walking can be beneficial, too.

Although swimming is a sport that requires high exertion and endurance, it may be okay for asthmatics if the conditions are right. If the swimming environment is warm, the moist air seems to be beneficial.

An asthma sufferer is perfectly capable of belonging to a gym and doing typical bodybuilding exercises, as these can be short bursts of energy and the amount of exertion can be controlled.

Cold weather sports are usually less pursued due to infections that may occur and lead to negative results. Skiing, ice hockey, and ice-skating are not usually good matches for asthma sufferers. Other high endurance activities such as soccer, basketball, field hockey, and distance running should only be attempted sparingly, if at all.

Some concerns that must be addressed whenever asthmatics plan to exert themselves or exercise include use of an asthma inhaler before beginning the activity. If the weather is cold, he or she should wear a mask over the nose and mouth or just perform all the exercises inside a conditioned area. As is important for anyone doing exercises, a warm-up and cool-down session should be implemented each time a workout program is attempted.

Those who have allergic asthma should not exercise outside during periods when the pollen count is high or if there are high levels of air pollution. Anytime a person has a viral infection, he or she should not exercise or overly exert. Additionally, no one should overexert himself or herself by attempting to reach a level that is above their current abilities.

If an attack occurs during an exercise, you should stop and repeat the use of the inhaler. When the attack subsides, a second attempt at the activity can be attempted. A repeat of the attack should be an indication to stop the exercise and contact your physician before attempting the activity again.

Exercise should be part of everyone's life, whether he or she is asthmatic or not. The amount and intensity of exercise must be adjusted to capability and stamina. Exercise and asthma can co-exist if certain protective measures are implemented in the overall plan.

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