Sunday, July 14, 2013

Bronchial Asthma Treatment

Asthma, derived from Greek, meaning sharp breath is a chronic illness of the respiratory system, with symptoms like shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, rapid breathing and chest constrictions. The bronchial airways constrict, become inflamed and are lined with excess amounts of mucus when exposed to certain triggers also known as stimuli. In essence asthma is the result of the immune response in the bronchial airways.

In both asthmatics and non-asthmatics, allergens that are inhaled find their way to the inner airways. Here they are ingested by a type of cell known as antigen presenting cells, or APCs. These APCs then present pieces of the allergen to other immune cells. While in most people, these other immune cells just check and usually they ignore the allergen molecules, in asthmatics, however, these cells change into a different type of cell. The resultant cells activate an important arm of the immune system, known as the humoral immune system that produces antibodies against the inhaled allergen. Later, when an asthmatic inhales the same allergen, these antibodies recognize it and activate a humoral response. Chemicals are produced that cause the airways to constrict and release more mucus. This inflammatory response is responsible for the clinical manifestations of an asthma attack. Many studies have shown that asthma, bronchitis and other acute respiratory illnesses are caused by the air quality.

Therefore the most effective treatment for asthma is identifying triggers, such as pets, dust mites or aspirin, and limiting or eliminating exposure to them. Desenzitation to allergens has been shown to be a treatment option for certain patients.

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The specific treatment for bronchial asthma in patients depends on the severity of their illness and the frequency of their symptoms. Specific treatments for asthma are broadly classified as relievers, preventers and emergency treatment. Bronchodialators, in the form of inhalers and nebulisers, is administered to relieve the symptoms and ease breathing and is recommended for patients who have an occasional attack.


Current treatment protocols recommend prevention medications such as an inhaled cortcosteroids, which helps to suppress inflammation and reduces the swelling of the lining of the airways, in anyone who has frequent (more than twice a week) need of relievers or who has severe symptoms. Many asthmatics, like those who suffer from other chronic disorders, use alternative therapy. Surveys show that roughly 50% of asthma patients use some form of unconventional therapy.

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