Tuesday, July 2, 2013

5 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Asthma

No matter the method you might try, conventional or natural, getting rid of your asthma may not be possible. Because of one single reason, asthma is chronic; meaning this condition is recurring and long lasting. Despite all the efforts made by science and herbalists, the cure is still illusive up until now. But in a manner of speaking, achieving total control over your condition will somewhat equate to ridding it. While it might still be present, attacks will be visibly fewer or almost nonexistent and so will flare-ups.

The main difference that can be stated when choosing between natural and conventional method would be in the side effects that can be expected for long term use. Simply put, natural asthma treatment does not have the side effects that long term use of conventional asthma medication might have. On the contrary, the longer that you use natural treatments, the more your body benefit from it.

Here are a few of the natural methods that you can try when you want to achieve relief without any fear of side effects:

Breathing methods: Breathing techniques are one of the best alternatives that you can learn if you want to achieve relief without any danger of side effects. Methods like Papworth, Buteyko, and Pranayama teaches asthmatics how to gain better control over their condition by using correct breathing methods. What's good about breathing methods is that learning and mastery can be achieved within a short span of time and regular practice can bring about long term benefits.

Herbal Treatment: Herbs have long been used by people in most parts of Asia not only in dealing with asthma but also with various other illnesses. The good thing about using herbal concoctions is the fact that it does not only deal with the condition but also helps in eliminating underlying causes that can make it worse. When choosing to take this option, remember that you will need expert assistance to get the most out of your treatment.

Acupuncture: acupuncture is an ancient form of treatment that originated from China. This treatment bases its philosophy on balancing the negative (yin) and positive (yang) forces in the body in order to achieve well being. By inserting thin needles at specific points called meridians, the aim of acupuncture is to tip the balance so that the positive forces within the body can gain more favor and thereby benefiting the patient. Although medical testing has yet to prove whether this method is effective or not, many asthmatic patients have already attested to its effectiveness.

Chiropractic Treatment: Chiropractic treatment involves the process of realigning certain bones in order to correct or maximize the function of a certain organ. As of the moment data as to the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment is insufficient that is why you will need to check with you doctor first to get professional advice so that unwanted situations can be avoided.

Home remedies: home remedies involve the usage of common household items for the treatment of asthma. Home remedies should be given more thought and research before even trying out as some have irrational reasoning on why they can be effective against asthma. Common household items like milk, honey, ginger and others are a few of the commonly found ingredients in home remedies.

There are other natural ways to get rid of asthma and it is important that you choose carefully as some might not be as effective as others. Try to avoid self-experimentation and always get advice from experts first before trying anything out. Consider your safety above all else when looking for alternative treatments.

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