Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Asthma Definition

Asthma is a disease that affects the respiratory system. This system is in charge of breathing in the human body. It is the second most important system in the body after the heart. The airways that carry air in and out of the lungs swell when irritated and therefore cannot carry air as required and this brings about the shortage of air. This will result in the symptoms of asthma being seen.

These symptoms are coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, tightness of chest and heavy breathing. These symptoms of asthma are usually triggered by different conditions that one is exposed to. They are animals, fungi, molds, emotions, vigorous exercise, sex, hormones, house dust mites and air pollution. These conditions when exposed to one, reacts to it and thus causing the symptoms of asthma that lead to an attack.

Therefore, it is important to avoid what triggers asthma in one's case as they vary from person to person. Asthma definition can be characterized by its causes which include hereditary, eczema, allergy, smoking and environmental pollution. These are the major causes. Some like smoking and environmental pollution can be avoided. Asthma is a disease that affects all ages from infants, children, adults and old people. This disease is wide spread throughout and cannot be said to dominate only a particular part of the world.

Asthma can turn out to be a fatal disease if not controlled. There are various categories of asthma such as mild, severe, and chronic. Most cases begin as mild but tend to progress, this could be due to lack of proper treatment or could also be unavoidable. Asthma is a disease that does not have a permanent cure. Treatment available is only to control the condition and enable the patients to live comfortably with this situation and reduce chances of it getting worse.

Ayurveda Treatment For Asthma

Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the bronchial tubes and lungs. This causes the air passages to narrow periodically resulting in breathing difficulties.

According to Ayurveda, it is an aggravation of Kapha and Vata humor. Asthma is a fall out of wrong, improper dietary habits and the accumulation of toxins.

Excess exposure to heat or cold, change in weather, certain types of cosmetic products and perfumes, cigarette, pollution etc. are known to cause asthma apart from psychological factors and hereditary factors.

Main symptoms are wheezing, coughing, feeling of "tightness" in the chest etc.

Ayurvedic treatments are oriented towards rebalancing the body humours, strengthening the digestive system and removing the accumulated toxins.

Diagnosis - The Ayurveda Way

All treatments in ayurveda are prescribed only after a careful analysis of the patient's disease.

The first consultation with an Ayurveda doctor, including the diagnosis will last for more than an hour. The basic step in the diagnosis will be to find the person's body humour (Dosha) - Vata, Pita or Kapha, because it is the imbalance of these body humours that creates the disease.

The dominance of dosha in a person is found by asking several questions on his behaviour, food habits, sleeping patterns, personal details like age, height & weight, place of life, profession, health problems and medical reports etc. Ayurveda diagnosis comprises of clinical and laboratory tests also. The doctor can decide if an Ayurveda treatment is helpful on providing these details. Pulse, tongue, nail, and eye examinations are important diagnosis methods used to reveal a person's body humour and its imbalance.

Pulse diagnosis in Ayurveda is not mere counting the beats. It is a mirror of the health status of the entire body constitution, including the dosha imbalance and the health of the various body organs.

In tongue diagnosis, the doctor checks the general appearance, colour and coating of the tongue. Tongue diagnosis has a vital role to play in Ayurveda system of medicine. In Ayurveda, as different areas of the tongue correspond to different organs of the body, the Ayurvedic practitioner can determine which organs of the body are out of balance by having a detailed tongue examination.

Nail examination is done to check the type, colour and shape of the person's nail. Imbalances of doshas are easily detected on close examination.

In the eye diagnosis, the colour, size, and even the shape of the eyes are important in determining the dosha dominance of a person. His mental status, nervousness, anxiety, confidence level etc can also be learned through eye diagnosis.

A preliminary consultation with Ayurveda doctors online is also possible nowadays for guests worldwide.

Treatment Methods for Asthma

After the diagnosis, the doctor sets out to treat the patient in a very systematic manner. This would include a set of appropriate Panchakarma treatments and Rasayana therapies .

The Panchakarma Treatments are meant to flush out the toxins, They are classified as pre-purification, main purification and post purification phases and include various types of therapies like oil massages, fermented liquid massages, medicinal enemas, herbal purification methods.

The Rasayana Therapies are meant to nourish the body, to bring the doshas back to balance and to regenerate the body.These comprise diet regulations, daily regimens, intake of oral medicines and ayurveda tonics, yoga and a stress free life. After the treatment the ayurveda doctors will advise you how to lead a healthy life. The beneifts and results of the treatment are shown only after the Rasyana Treatment is over and docotrs advise is strictly followed. The results will manifest itself normally after 3 to 4 weeks as the body takes time to regenerate itself.

Panchakarma for Asthma

Pre-purification therapies are the first ones applied to loosen the toxins, open up the circulation channels and get the body ready for discarding these wastes. These methods are highly relaxing for the body and mind. These treatments, however, are to go hand in hand with strict dietary restrictions.

The following pre-purification methods are usually adopted for Asthma

Dhoomapanam This method of treatment involves inhaling and exhaling of medicinal smoke. It is a fine treatment for various sinus and respiratory diseases. Acute sinusitis, asthma, sneezing, infections of the lower respiratory tract, cough etc. are treated using Dhoomapanam.

Abhyangam is whole body massage from head to toe, usually done for 45-50 minutes, using warm medicated oil such as brahmi oil, sunflower oil or neem oil. It relaxes nerves and muscles and loosens the toxins and readies the channels for detoxification. These oils are mixed in herbs such as country mallow or winter cherry.

Thakradhara involves the continuous pouring of specially prepared butter milk on the fore head. An assortment of herbs such as gooseberry, nut grass tuber, sandal wood, lotus, valerian, etc. is used in its preparation.

Swedanam means medicinal perspiration. It liquefies vitiated doshas and brings them into the alimentary canal. Due to swedanam, toxins are expelled through the sweat also.

Vasthi is keeping warm medicated oil on the chest for a specified period of time, usually.

Main Purification Therapies for Asthma

Main purification therapy is the phase of elimination of toxins that were loosened at the pre purification treatment stage. These therapies are highly potential methods and are usually overseen by doctors. Depending on the type and intensity of the ailment, one is advised to undergo one, two or three of these therapies.

The commonly adopted Panchakarma treatments for asthma are Vamanam and Virechanam.

Vamanam means therapeutic vomiting to eliminate the vitiated dosha (waste product) through the upper gastro-intestinal track. It expels and cleanses undigested food and toxins. Herbs generally used in Vamanam include - emetic nut, sweet flag, and liquorice.

Virechanam It is the oral intake of herbal purgative medicines leading to the elimination of toxins through the anal route. As the origin of asthma is also linked to disorders and malfunctioning of the digestive system, Virechanam is found to be effective.

Rasayana Therapies for Asthma

These are body nourishing therapies to rejuvenate the body and mind after the Panchakarma treatments. They keep the enzymes in the tissue cells in their normal functioning condition, restore and balance the body functions and maintain the overall health and well being of an individual for much longer periods after the Panchakarma course. Rasayana includes oral medicines and diet regulation.

Oral medicines for Asthma

A variety of treatments are available in Ayurveda for the treatment of Asthma. Kashayams, lehyams and choornams are generally prescribed in the treatment of this disease. These herbal medicines are used to strengthen the system and over a course of long-term management the Asthma sufferer may find that their Asthma attacks become milder and less frequent.

Herbs and spices such as liquorice root, amalaki fruit, black pepper, tulasi, myrobalan, clove, turmeric, etc. are commonly used in these medicines. Onion juice with honey and black pepper is a good homey remedy for Asthma.

Diet Regulation for Asthma

Diet regulation will be suggested for patients during and after the treatment. They are designed for controlling the digestive fire, better digestion, and for total well being. Ayurveda diet provides adequate nutrition as well as rest for the needed organs.

Ayurveda recommends that a person suffering from Asthma follow strict dietary restrictions. He should consume only a limited quantity of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. However, he should consume large quantities of fresh fruits, green vegetables and sprouted seeds.

Rice, sugar, curd, tea, coffee, other alcoholic beverages, processed foods, spicy foods, etc. are best avoided.

The necessary diet pattern would be selected by an experienced doctor. You can also find out your type of Prakruthi and decide a diet for yourself.

It is advised to take at least one or two weeks of rest after the Panchakarma experience. At this time the body is weak after a purification process and needs time to get back to normalcy. Avoid strenuous exercise, late nights, too much television, and other stimulating experiences.

Yoga and life style for Asthma cure

Yoga and deep breathing serve as good therapies for respiratory problems. They help increase lung capacity and also create awareness of the lungs and breathing process. Also increases the oxygen flow to all parts of the body giving more energy and strength to the whole body. Sukhsana, Surya Namaskar, Matsyendrasana, Anuloma Viloma etc. are the main poses that Asthma patients can do well to perform daily.

Pranayama breathing exercises free up the lungs; give more control over breathing and also stimulate digestion.

Life styles: Asthma patients should avoid exposure to dust and other pollutants. He should not go out in extreme cold conditions. He should avoid coming in contact with anything that may cause allergy and worsen his condition.

Curing Asthma Naturally

Are you looking for a method of curing asthma naturally that does not involve the use of steroids and drugs? More and more asthmatics are turning away from the use of pharmaceutical drugs to control their asthma and are looking for more natural alternatives. This article lists some remedies that aim to cure asthma the natural way.

Asthma is a condition that can have a serious impact on your quality of life. Many children who suffer from asthma are pulled out of school for long periods of time and are not able to take part in school sports and activities. This can have a huge psychological effect on a child and can lead to depression and worsening of health problems.

Here is a list of some natural remedies that you may find helpful in treating and controlling your asthma. They are divided into herbal remedies for consumption, breathing techniques and holistic approaches to treating asthma.

Herbal remedies - The most popular herb being used for treating asthma is Adhatoda also known as the Malabar Nut which works as a bronchodilator. It increases airflow in the lungs and is also a mild expectorant to get rid of excess mucus and phlegm. Another herbal remedy is Anise seed tea. This tea is an antihistamine that reduces inflammation and helps to open air passages and relieve wheezing.
A less well-known herb is Asclepias Tuberosa. Known as a vasodilator, it relaxes the muscles surrounding the bronchial passage and is very soothing.

Breathing Techniques - Pranayama is a breathing technique used in yoga. These exercises should be practiced depending on what usually triggers the asthma attack. Another popular method is the Buteyko method. This method believes that hyperventilation is the reason for asthma. Buteyko is based on techniques to normalise breathing patterns and reduce the extent of hyperventilation.

Holistic Treatments - Acupuncture is a whole body treatment that aims to unblock any meridians (energy lines) that are contributing to asthma. This method involves the use of acupuncture needles and may not be for everyone! Another method that is gaining in popularity is the Bowen Technique. This is a very gentle technique that aims to treat the cause of asthma. It re balances the nervous system thereby reducing the reaction to triggers and allergies. It is also very effective at relaxing the breathing muscles surrounding the chest making it easier to breathe during an asthma attack as well as reducing the symptoms of asthma such as wheezing and coughing.

The Truth About Yoga For Children With Asthma With Specific Exercises to Help Relieve Symptoms

Yoga has tremendous benefits for children with asthma. This article will itemize some of those benefits as well as provide specific exercises which children with asthma can perform to reap these benefits.

Yoga Teaches Proper Breathing Technique

Often asthmatics mouth breath or focus primarily on the inhalation. Both of these tendencies cause problems. Yogic breathing, pranayama, trains individuals in how to properly use their diaphragm, rib cage, chest, throat and nasal cavity to transport oxygen effectively to the body while allowing the carbon dioxide to be completely released. Asthmatics often need to focus on the exhale, allowing the lungs to fully empty, before inhaling. Breathing exercises also strengthen the lungs, increase lung capacity and pulmonary efficiency.

Yoga Combats Stress

Yoga is well known for its anti-stress benefits. Yogic relaxation techniques help to synchronize the mind and body. Tension is released and daily stressors relieved as the body lets go and individuals access their internal experience. Asthmatics are able to understand the emotional and physical triggers which can cause an asthma attack and thereby avoid them. Self-awareness is greatly enhanced and a feeling of confidence and trusting in your own personal wisdom grows. This is extremely empowering for children with asthma as they personally are in control of their mind, emotions and body.

Yoga Provides Physical Fitness

Many children with asthma curtail or refrain from physical activities for fear it will result in an asthma attack. Yoga however allows for a full body workout without asthma induced repercussions. Children can maintain a healthy body and mind, as well as benefit from all the social interactions which come from group physical fitness activities. In addition, yoga is movement education, where the body and breath work together, which is highly beneficial for asthmatics.

Exercises for Asthma Relief in Children

Three types of yoga poses are especially helpful when working with children with asthma.

  1. Chest openers increase lung space and improve posture. Back bending poses such as Cobra pose, Fish pose, Camel pose, and Pyramid pose are all effective chest openers.

  2. Poses which coordinate movement with the breath are especially beneficial. Standing in Mountain pose and raising the arms overhead on the inhale, lowering them back to the sides on the exhale, repeated 10 times, helps children become conscious of their breath, its rhythms, and how to breath properly.

  3. Twists such as simple seated twist or Marichiyasana III promote spinal length and flexibility. They help to tone the side body and massage the internal organs while teaching proper posture and how to move with the breath.

Breathing exercises for children with asthma are essential. Three pranayama exercises which will prove helpful for asthmatics are included here.

  1. Observing the Breath: Lie is Corpse pose. Close your eyes and place on hand on your chest, the other on your abdomen. Pay attention to the breath. Feel it, listen to it. Is it rough, smooth, fast, slow, even or un-even. Do not control the breath, simply observe.

  2. Lengthening the Exhale: As you breathe focus on softening the inhale (do not gulp in the air) and extending the exhale. Count while you do this so that the exhale becomes twice as long as the inhale. Be sure to use the diaphragm to expand and contract he belly and lower lung instead of using the chest and upper lung. Continue for five minutes.

  3. Breathing with Pursed Lips: This exercise focuses on the exhale. Inhale softly through the nose. Exhale through pursed lips, blowing the breath in out in a steady stream. Do not push too far. Pause, and then repeat. Keep the inhale soft, allowing the lungs to fill gently from the bottom. Maintain a slow steady exhale, using the diaphragm to expel the air gradually. Smaller children may benefit from a straw in a glass of milk or juice to visually see the effects of this exercise.

How To Stop Wheezing Naturally

This article is about how to stop wheezing naturally and effectively without the use of medication and drugs. More and more people are turning towards more natural means of treating ailments. The side effects of medication and drugs can have detrimental effects which in the long term can actually contribute to more health problems.

Wheezing is defined as the harsh, raspy sound made when breathing is restricted due to narrowing or constriction of the airways. This symptom is normally associated with respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis. If you suffer from any of these conditions then you will be well acquainted with the sound and feel of wheezing.

Here are a couple of methods that are used to treat wheezing naturally. Some are old remedies and some are more recent techniques and methods.

1. Natural ingredients include honey, cinnamon powder and fresh ginger which can be taken as a drink or herbal concoction. You can easily find these remedies in health food stores.

2. Arachidonic acid is found in certain foods, such as egg yolks, shellfish, and meat. Eating less of these foods is thought to decrease inflammation and asthma symptoms as well as to treat any allergic reactions.

3. Ayurvedic herbs such as Boswellia are meant to decrease inflammation and aid in decreasing irritation in the airways. This is no a common herb but can be found in herbal medicine stores and normally prescribed by Ayurvedic practitioners.

4. Alexander breathing technique to help improve posture and open up the airways. This breathing technique is becoming more and more popular as Western medicine is identifying with the link between posture and breathing.

5. Buteyko breathing technique which consists of shallow breathing exercises that are designed to help people with asthma breathe easier. This technique works on the principle of reducing the amount of oxygen dependence in the body and resetting the carbon dioxide response level. In essence this method is of the belief that the body takes in too much oxygen and this is the cause of many breathing problems.

6. The Bowen Technique is one of the most effective methods of treating wheezing. It is an extremely gentle and simple technique that can be learnt to treat and cure your wheezing naturally.

One of the most important things to bear in mind when deciding which natural remedy to try is how the remedy works to cure wheezing. To really stop your wheezing you need to treat the cause of the wheezing which in some cases is due to asthma.

Acute Asthma Attack - Symptoms And Management

There have been many victims of acute asthma attack and the intensity of these attacks can be frightening. Asthma is a chronic disease that has many sufferers around the world. Respiratory impairment occurs due to the fact that the airways are inflamed and narrow. There is bronchial constriction and mucus may also cause further discomfort. The body is unable to ventilate the air sacs in the lungs which may cause distress. The patients suffer from shortness of breath and may also have wheezing. A person is said to suffer from an acute asthma attack when the symptoms flare up necessitating medical intervention most of the time.

Symptoms Of Acute Asthma Attack

  • rapid breathing

  • physical exhaustion

  • difficulty in talking

  • wheezing (which is quiet)

  • coughing

  • marked recession

  • paradoxical pulse where the pulse is strong during expiration and weak during inhalation

  • constriction and pain in the chest

  • turning blue due to lack of oxygen

  • lack of consciousness

  • numbness in limbs

  • sweating of the palms

  • feet may turn icy

  • peak respiratory flow is less than 50% of the mean value

These patients can avoid acute asthma attack by paying attention to the signs and symptoms that indicate that their condition is not improving. Many people have made the mistake of neglecting to get medical aid as the wheezing and the gulping appears to have got better. If this occurs with lips turning blue and lack of consciousness, the condition is very serious demanding immediate medical intervention in order to avoid death.

People suffering from asthma may prevent acute attacks by making sure they take the necessary medication to prevent the situation from aggravating. They can make use of a peak flow meter to monitor their condition. It is required that they get their baseline measurement by inhaling and then exhaling into the meter when they are feeling fit. If their peak flow measurement is 50%-80% lesser than their baseline peak flow measurement, it may indicate they are at risk of an acute asthma attack if they do not take immediate action. If the peak flow reading is lesser than 50% of their normal reading it is time they sought medical intervention as a severe attack can become life threatening in some cases.

It will help if patients carry a card or wear a medical alert bracelet that can be useful if medical intervention is needed. The patients need to have worked out a plan on what has to be done during an attack. The patients may also keep a card with the name of their physician, his number as well as the number of an ambulance, and the relative or friend who has to be contacted. If the inhaled reliever is not working, it is time you sought immediate medical help. Make it a point to inform them that you have an acute asthma attack and are not responding to treatment. Till help arrives continue to use the reliever taking 6-8 puffs every 5-6 minutes. Make sure to use a spacer as it will be of great help. The best way to manage asthma and to prevent an acute asthma attack is to monitor the symptoms, take medication promptly and ensure that the condition does not get aggravated.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bronchial Asthma Treatment - Bronchial Asthma Attack Remedies

Bronchial asthma is a kind of asthma condition where the lungs are having disturbances or obstructions in the ventilation of the air passages in the respiratory system. Once these disturbances and obstructions occur, the lungs will evoke a feeling of shortness of breath.

This occurrence may even lead to paroxysms that tighten the air passages of the bronchial system. When these happen, serious bronchial asthma treatment is recommended.

Asthma may have several causes. One of the main causes of it is the raising of resistance level to the air flow of the bronchial passages. As it happens, the muscles of the passages won't be able to support the activities of gas exchanging and breathing in the respiratory system though the muscles are working harder.

When a asthma attack occurs, spasms of the bronchial muscles usually happen. As it happens, there would be an increase in the secretion of mucus and swelling of the bronchial walls. These occurrences should be given with the proper bronchial asthma treatment.

Bronchial asthma treatment now has new treatment protocols that recommend the prevention of asthma medications, such as inhaling corticosteroids or nebulizers. This medication usually helps an asthmatic person to suppress the inflammation of the lungs as well as reduce the swelling of the linings in the airway passages.

Another recommended asthma treatment is alternative therapies. A recent study shows that almost half of the population of asthmatic persons now uses the form of unconventional therapy for their bronchial asthma treatment.

Apparently, there are specific bronchial asthma treatments that may always depend on the severity of the asthma condition present on the person. The frequency of the asthma signs and symptoms are always considered.

Generally, the asthma treatments are classified as preventers, relievers, and emergency treatment. With these, asthma treatment can have different forms that can be recommended to patients considering how often the attacks occur.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Asthma in Children and Treatment of Asthma

Definition of Asthma

Asthma is a recurring condition in which certain stimuli cause the airways to narrow for a while so that makes a person having difficulty breathing.

Although asthma can occur at any age, but more often occurs in children, especially in children from the age of 5 years. Some children suffer from asthma until their adulthood. Most children who have asthma can still interact with its environment, except in the event of an asthma attack. Only a few children who are resistant to drugs to prevent asthma and need daily to be able to do sports and play normally.

Asthma Causes

For unclear reasons, children with asthma are usually reacting to certain stimuli (triggers). There are many factors that cause asthma attacks, but on each child usually causes (triggers) is different. Several factors trigger asthma attacks, namely indoor irritants, such as strong odors, irritant fumes (perfume, tobacco smoke); pollution from outside: cold air, exercise; emotional disturbance; respiratory infections due to viruses, and various kinds of substances which make children become allergic, such as animal dander, dust, pollen, and mold.

All of these triggers produce a similar reaction; certain cells in the airways release chemical substances. These substances cause the airways to become inflamed and swollen and stimulate the muscle cells in the airway walls to contract. Reduce stimulation with chemicals to increase production of mucus in the airways, making the spilling of cells lining the airways, and widen the muscle cells in the airway wall. Each reaction is triggered to the smaller airways suddenly (asthma attacks).In most children, the airway back to normal in between asthma attacks.

Risk Factors

Doctors do not fully understand why some children suffer from asthma, but a number of known risk factors. A child with one parent with asthma has an increased risk of 25% have asthma, if both parents have asthma, the risk increased to 50%. Children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are more likely to develop asthma.

Children in urban environments are more likely to have asthma, particularly if they come from lower socioeconomic groups. Although asthma affects a high percentage of black children compared with white children, the role of genetic influence in the increase of asthma is controversial because black children are also more likely to live in urban areas. Children are faced with high concentrations of allergens, like dust or cockroach droppings, at an early age are more likely to suffer from asthma. Children who suffer from bronchiolitis at an early age often wheezing with advanced viral infection. Wheezing first sound can be interpreted as asthma, but children are not more likely than others to have asthma during adolescence.

Asthma Symptoms

When airways constrict during an asthma attack, the child can be difficulty breathing, accompanied by his trademark sound wheezing. Wheezing is a loud noise that sounded high when the child breathes. Not all asthma attacks wheezing produce sounds, however. Mild asthma, particularly in young children, could only produce a cough; some older children with mild asthma tend to cough only during exercise or when exposed to cold air.

Also, children with acute asthma may not wheeze because of too little air flow to generate noise. In acute asthma, breathing becomes difficult sincerely, sound wheezing usually becomes tighter, and the child is breathing rapidly and with greater effort, and ribs prominent when the child is breathing (inspiration). With acute attacks, the child gasping for breath and sat upright, leaning forward. Sweating and pale skin or blue.

Children with frequent acute attacks sometimes have a slow development, but their growth is usually chasing another child in adulthood.


A doctor suspected asthma in children who have wheezing repetitive, particularly when family members are known to have asthma or allergies. Children who wheezing events can often be tested for other disorders, such as fiber or gastro esophageal recurrent cysts. Older children sometimes perform lung function tests, although the stout children lung function is normal between relapses.

One of half or more of children with asthma control. Those with more severe disease were more likely to have asthma as a teenager.

Asthma Treatment

Older children or teenagers can recognize asthma often have to use a peak flow meter, a small tool that records how fast a person can blow air-to measure the level of airway disorders. This tool can be used as an objective assessment of the condition of the child.

Treatment of a severe attack consists of opening the airways (bronchodilation) and stops the inflammation. Various kinds of inhaled medications to open airways (bronchodilator). This particular example is albuterol and ipratropium. Older children and teenagers are usually able to use these drugs using metered dose inhalation device. Children older than 8 years or often find it easy to use inhalation with a spacer or buffer room installed. Infants and very young children can sometimes use a spacer when inhaled and infant size masks fitted.

Children who do not use inhalation devices can receive inhaled drugs at home through a mask mounted on a nebulizer, a small tool that generates steam cure using compressed air. Tool inhalation and nebulizer are equally effective at removing the drug. Albuterol can also be used with the mouth, although this activity was not much more successful than inhalation and are usually used only in infants who did not use the nebulizer. Children who are experiencing severe attacks can also be administered via oral corticosteroids.

Children with severe attacks were treated in hospital by providing a bronchodilator in the nebulizer at least every 20 minutes at first. Sometimes the doctor uses an injection of epinephrine, a bronchodilator, in children with severe attacks if they cannot breathe well enough on the steam nebulizer. Doctors usually give intravenous corticosteroids to children who have severe attacks.

Children who suffer from mild asthma, with infrequent attacks typically use medication only during the attack. Children with frequent or severe attacks also need to use drugs even when they are not under attack.

Other drugs used, based on the frequency and severity of attacks in children. Children with infrequent attacks that are not too bad usually use inhaled drugs, such as cromolyn or nedocromil, or a low dose of inhaled corticosteroids daily to help prevent attacks. These drugs prevent the release of chemicals that harm the airways, and reduce inflammation. Preparing to use the old theophylline is an inexpensive option for prevention in some children.

Children with recurrent or more severe also receive one or more drugs, including long-term bronchodilator such as salmeterol, leukotriene modifiers, such as zafirlukast or montelukast, and inhaled corticosteroids. If these drugs do not prevent the onslaught, the child may require inhaled corticosteroids by mouth. Children who experienced great develop during exercise usually inhale a bronchodilator dose just prior to exercise.

To get an explanation of the asthma check this out: Asthma Treatment

Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a term used to describe a syndrome that has a severe and frequent tiredness and is unable to be resolved by resting. CFS is different from general tiredness because there is no cause such as another disease for the condition.

The causes of CFS are not exactly known and doctors have theorized that it may be a result of the human herpes-6 virus or the Epstein-Barr virus, but an exact cause has yet to be pinpointed. An inflammation of the nervous system has also been hypothesized since a faulty immune system response can cause extreme tiredness.

CFS is most common in women between the ages of 30 to 50 and other factors such as age, stress, the environment, previous illnesses and genetics can influence its development.

The symptoms are similar to other illnesses, which makes it difficult to diagnose and may cause doctors to overlook the condition. It can be mistaken for the flu or other viral conditions. These typically include some or all of the following: headache, muscle aches and, of course, extreme fatigue and tiredness.

CFS differentiates from other illnesses if the symptoms persist for a period of at least 6 months. The symptoms appear as a new condition and are unable to be relieved by bed rest alone. CFS leaves an individual unable to do many of their normal activities. Other symptoms that may indicate that someone has CFS include feeling tired for more than 24 hours in a row, not feeling refreshed after a long rest period, problems concentrating, frequent forgetfulness, irritability, a constant and mild fever, sore throat or sore and swollen lymph nodes under the arms or in the neck.

To be diagnosed with CFS a doctor must first rule out other very common causes of fatigue such as drug or alcohol dependence, infections, muscle and nerve diseases, psychiatric or psychological illnesses, tumours and immune or autoimmune disorders which all have fatigue as a significant side effect.

While there are no specific tests for chronic fatigue, doctors have been able to see abnormal results with both white blood cell counts and on a brain MRI. Since there is no established cure for the disease, doctors focus on trying to relieve the symptoms as much as possible to make life comfortable. Treatment methods may include cognitive-behaviour theory, a healthy diet and sleep management.

Some medications may also be used in treatment to treat the symptoms including depression, pain and anxiety. Relaxation and stress-management can also improve the lives of those with CFS.

Think Less For Less Stress Induced Asthma

Stress induced asthma is one of the most common types of asthma. As the name suggests it is caused by stress. What makes it common is that each of us encounters some stress in our daily lives. We can never avoid it.

Do you experience a difficulty in breathing or only get shallow breaths when you're excited, angry or pressured? This is a symptom of having stress induced asthma. People exposed to a lot of stress are most vulnerable to this. There are also people who get it with the slightest emotion also. Different people react differently to different occurrences.

Taking Medications Is Not The Best Solution

For most people, the most immediate remedy they run to is taking medication. But for stress induced asthma, this is not the best action to take. Patients should not deal with their asthma alone. They should try to combat the cause instead. They should face their stress problems. Each person comes across stress everyday one way or another. Even simple things can cause this. Even trying to be on time for work can do it. Problems with peers and with family could also be the culprit. There are many other causes of stress. But mainly, the problem lies with how we take all these things. So we should adjust our way of thinking. Doing so is not easy. Most even have to see a counselor to be able to do this.

Try to recognize the things causing you the stress. Although stress cannot be avoided, it can be controlled. Knowing what's causing it is very important. It could be family problems. Or, it may be pressures at your workplace. It could even be a case of having taking on too much. If that's the case, delegate some of your responsibilities to others. Then deal with other causes one by one. You should find solutions for each of them. This will reduce the stress in you. And perhaps this will also lessen stress induced asthma attacks. You should avoid these stressors as much as possible. Only then will you be able to avoid stress. Then you will be able to avoid asthma attacks.

You may also try to do some exercise. Exercises are good for the body and soul. It naturally lessens your stress. It also makes your heart and lungs healthier. It is advised that you start slow though. You may not be used to it. So you must start with less vigorous exercises. And you should not do it for long durations immediately. If it works, try doing some more next time. It will help eliminate or lessen stress. And doing so eliminates or lessens stress induced asthma as well.

Eating healthy food might also help. Usually being sick adds to your stress. Being healthy would certainly help avoid it. And so it could also reduce asthma attacks.

To reduce stress more, try doing relaxation exercises. This usually entails deep breathing exercises. You should try to release those muscle tensions as well. You should also avoid negative thoughts. For more tips on this, there are several audiotapes, CDs, and books available.

Taking asthma medications might not be the answer. But going to your doctor would be good. He can give you a professional advice on this. You can consult with him. And he will tell if you are doing the right things. If you're a little lost, he can guide you too. You can deal with stress in many ways. And you can have a normal life. With your doctor's help, you can certainly deal with stress induced asthma.

Basic Extrinsic Asthma And Intrinsic Asthma

Over the years, the medical profession has developed several ways of classifying asthma and of distinguishing one form of the disease from another. Let's take a look at some of these classifications now. Traditionally, doctors have separated asthma into two general categories, extrinsic asthma and intrinsic asthma, depending upon the types of stimuli that trigger episodes of the disease.

What is extrinsic asthma?

Asthma triggered by allergies is known as extrinsic asthma. It is also called allergic or atopic asthma. In this form of the disease, an asthma attack is clearly linked to the body's response to something inhaled or, occasionally, ingested. Substances to which the person is allergic are called allergens.

What sorts of things can be allergens?

The most common allergens are tree and grass pollen, mold, animal dander and dust mites.

Who develops extrinsic asthma?

Asthma that develops in childhood is likely to be extrinsic. More than 90 percent of asthmatic children under age 16 have allergies, as do 70 percent of asthmatic people ages 16 to 30, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases . Symptoms of extrinsic asthma often vary seasonally and occur intermittently. In more than half the cases of extrinsic asthma, there is usually a personal or family history of other allergies, such as hay fever and skin conditions.

What is intrinsic asthma?

Asthma that develops in people over the age of 30 is usually intrinsic or nonallergic asthma. As the names imply, this asthma is not allergy related.

What is it related to?

It is related to triggers such as respiratory infections, exercise, stress, inhalation of chemical irritants (such as cleaning fluids or fresh paint) and air pollution. While doctors believe that extrinsic asthma is caused by an overactive immune system, they do not yet understand the origins of intrinsic asthma.

Is it important to know which form of asthma I have?

Insofar it helps you understand your disease and suggests a path for medical treatment, yes. However, you should be aware that most people with asthma have both forms. For example, it is very common for someone with the extrinsic form of the disease to experience asthma attacks when she has a cold or the flu - both intrinsic triggers. Extrinsic and intrinsic are two terms that attempt to describe the source and trigger of the asthma. Other types of asthma have been named after the particular situations in which they occur, such as nocturnal asthma, seasonal asthma and exercise-induced asthma.

Eosinophilic Esophagitis Treatment

Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE or EE) Treatment Options

Eosinophilic Esophagitis is a rare condition in which the esophagus becomes inflamed due to an allergic response in the esophagus. Since the disorder is complex, it can sometimes be difficult to treat. There has been a significant rise in the number of patients diagnosed with EoE so more treatment options are being explored by allergists. It is important to first understand that while there are drug therapy options available for those suffering from Eosinophilic Esophagitis, none of them are currently FDA approved.

EoE Treatment: Swallowed Inhaled Steroids

Swallowed Inhaled Steroids, otherwise known as topical steroids, are one of the most popular Eosinophilic Esophagitis treatments. This particular drug therapy requires the patient to swallow what was originally intended to be an inhaled medication for asthmatics. People with asthma use these medications to treat lung inflammation, and those who are in need of an EoE treatment use the medication to rid the inflammation that is prevalent in the esophagus. For those who have Eosinophilic Esophagitis from allergies, topical steroids are one of the main ways to treat it; in fact, it is often the only way in which these particular patients choose to treat this disease.

The two most popular types of steroids are budesonide (Pulmicort) and fluticasone (Flovent). If a patient decides to use Flovent, they should know that it is a metered dose inhaler (MDI). This type of medication is pumped manually in order to aerosolize the steroid. It is then pumped into the mouth and dry swallowed. Pulmicort, on the other hand, usually comes in a solution that is aerosolized through a nebulizer that is used for asthma patients. For those who want to use Pulmicort as an EoE treatment, it is typically combined with another element such as Splenda to produce a type of Slurry that is swallowed.

People who have an issue dry swallowing the Flovent medication prefer to use the Pulmicort. Patients who use swallowed steroids should not eat or drink anything for at least half-an-hour afterwards; this way, it will have enough time to properly coat the esophagus. In addition, it is highly important for anyone using these steroids to brush their teeth after every use to remove any residue. This is extremely necessary because if there are remnants of these steroids left over they can cause negative side effects.

EoE Treatment: Swallowed Inhaled Steroid Side Effects

Unfortunately, using swallowed inhaled steroids as an Eosinophilic Esophagitis treatment can lead to negative side effects. The most common side effect is called esophageal candidiasis, and it is basically a yeast infection of the throat. This condition begins with an intense pain in the throat. If a patient is experiencing this, it is imperative that they notify their physician immediately; esophageal candidiasis is typically treated with anti fungals. There are some who cannot use swallowed inhaled steroids as an Eosinophilic Esophagitis treatment because they have repeated throat yeast infections. Another side effect that has occurred with topical steroids is dry mouth. In addition, there has been one report of a patient contracting herpes infection of the esophagus after using fluticasone.

EE Treatment: Multidisciplinary Centers

Due to the fact that Eosinophilic Esophagitis is a highly complex disease that is still not very well known, patients who have it need to be seen by different physicians with different specialties. Furthermore, it is important for a patient to visit an allergist in order to go through an allergy evaluation, and it is also wise for them to visit a gastroenteologist in order for their symptoms to be analyzed, and the EoE to be observed through endoscopies (EGD).

It is also in the patient's best interest to see a pathologist because they will have the ability to decipher the findings of the esophageal biopsy. A dietician is also very important to help the patients who decide to use dietary therapy as their Eosinophilic Esophagitis treatment. There are many patients who benefit greatly from the help of a therapist or social worker because of the stress this disease can cause. There are numerous physicians a patient with EoE should consult with, but it is also important for all of the doctors to communicate with each other. For this reason, it is in the patient's best interest to go to a multidisciplinary center. Typically, at this type of center that specializes in Eosinophilic Esophagitis treatment, they schedule patients for multiple appointments in one day; this way the patient can be evaluated as quickly as possible thus making everything extremely more convenient.

Although EE is a very complex disorder, there are several treatment methods that have proven effective for eliminating symptoms. By using a combination of medication, diet, and multidisciplinary therapies, patients can learn to live a normal lifestyle.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Asthma and Allergies - My House is Killing Me

Recently a young lady called me who has allergy symptoms in her home and asked me to do an Environmental Inspection. When I got to the house, she greeted me with a stuffy nose and red eyes. It was interesting because she was holding her cat so it would not run out when she opened the front door. She also said that it was her husband's cat for over 10 years and he would not get rid of the cat even if it affected my allergies. I found this a very troubling statement because this is a common scenario when we go to houses where one of the occupants is allergic to the pets in the house.

The following week, I had a client call me saying that "My House Is Killing Me" and wanted us to investigate and find out what it was. He was having Asthma symptoms in every room of the house. During the Environmental Inspection, I noticed an area over a closet that had water stains on it. This area was also adjacent to the Air Handler Closet. Decided to look in the attic and there it was: 10 cardboard boxes for storage that were covered with mold. Apparently, there was a roof leak above this area and the roof leak leaked into the boxes with minimal damage in the house. What happened was the A/C Closet had a hole in the ceiling and every time the Air Conditioning cycled on, it would suck air in from the attic which was next to the moldy boxes. The mold spores were being spread throughout the home via the A/C System.

These are typical stories of the type of clients we have worked with for the last 15 years. Some problems are easy to fix and others can get very complicated. We have witnessed first hand how mold can affect people with Asthma and Allergies. Women and children seem to suffer worse than men living in the same house. Why, I do not know. I once had a Doctor say that it could be hormonal. The sad thing is when the husband is not allergic in the house, there can be a lot of tension around the issue of Asthma and Allergies.

We also deal with a lot of individuals who have Chemical Sensitivity from some type of injury from the job. This is worse than Asthma or Allergies because they are reactive to every thing. It is tough living like this but they are troopers who keep trying to make it in a world that is full of chemicals that can affect them. A simple Glade Plugin will affect them and not affect other people. I give them credit for not giving up.

In conclusion, people can be allergic to their pets and not understand their allergies. Mold can be caused by roof leaks in hidden areas of a house and you do not even know it is happening. There can be tension in a home when one person is sick and other is not. Chemical Sensitivity can be an increased vulnerability to chemicals and other airborne irritants. It is hard to deal with also. If you feel that you have Asthma, Allergies or Chemical Sensitivity, call you Doctor immediately.

If you have any questions, feel free to call us or visit our website.

Do You Have Asthma?

The number of newly diagnosed asthma cases in the United States has risen dramatically over the past ten to fifteen years. Part of the reason may be due to the availability of better medical care and early diagnostic methods used by many doctors today. More people may be willing to visit their doctors for breathing-related difficulties than in previous generations. But it is also likely that more people are afflicted with asthma than ever before due to a number of environmental factors like pollution, pesticides, and even building insulation.

With increased industrialization, more factories are burning more fuel and releasing greater amounts of waste products into the air. Since a significant percentage of the population now lives in urban areas, they are undoubtedly feeling the effects of chronic exposure to airborne toxins. Conversely, even in rural areas improved technology is impacting the way that farmers grow crops and control pests. Pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers may help to ensure better crops, but runoff from fields where these substances are used can get into the water system or food products and lead to the development as asthmatic-type symptoms.

Although many people do not know if they have asthma, there are some symptoms to look for that may indicate the presence or development of this chronic condition. The most obvious clue, and one that should be checked promptly by a doctor, is shortness of breath. This may come and go or show up only when a person is exposed to certain triggers, often allergens like dust, pet dander, or household chemicals. Some foods can bring on an asthma attack, especially nuts, eggs, and shellfish, although others are likewise culprits. See your doctor promptly if you develop a breathing disorder, and if you experience difficulty catching your breath, seek emergency assistance.

Other possible signs and symptoms of asthma include a dry cough, chronic allergy symptoms like sneezing or watery eyes, wheezing, and other related breathing changes. Asthma causes the airway to become congested, which tightens the throat and lungs, making it harder for air to pass through. This is what leads to breathing difficulties.

No matter how probable it may be that you or a loved one is showing signs of asthma, you will need to see the doctor for an accurate diagnosis and a prescription for treatment. You may need to use a bronchodilator, which blows a special medical vapor into your throat and lungs to ease constriction. Prescription medications can help, as can avoiding obvious or suspected triggers. Controlling allergic symptoms by removing household or job-related allergens also can help to reduce the frequency of asthma attacks. Some doctors supplement conventional treatment with herbal remedies, but check with your physician before taking over-the-counter medications or formulas.

Asthma can be a serious condition and may even become life threatening for some. Work with your doctor to get the best care and improve your condition, or that of a loved one, to avoid serious complications from this chronic condition.

A Review Of The New Asthma Treatment Respitrol

Resipitrol is a guaranteed natural solution that addresses the breathing problems associated to asthma. This product of MicroNutra Health is a no prescription medicine to be purchased directly from the manufacture.

If used in the prescribed dosage resipitrol will be able to bring positive result within a few hours of medication. The natural ingredients used in this medicine are proved to be very effective to over come all the problems associated with asthma. Regular use of this medicine will also help your body to increase you peak air flow by more than 400%. If used for a few months continuously it will strengthen your respiratory system by improving and increasing air flow.

It uses only the time tested all herbal natural ingredients to make this formula to treat asthma. These ingredients include Aloe barbadensis Extract, Tragacanth Gum, Beta-Glucan, Arabinogalactan, Glucosamine Sulphate and Ghatti. Resipitrol is a successful attempt from the part of MacroNutra Health to make a miraculous remedy to treat the disease asthma.

Those who have experimented with other medicines must know the uselessness of using such medicines especially the chemical based ones to treat a problem like asthma. All these medicines and inhalers that are commonly prescribed by doctors treat only the symptoms and not the root cause of the disease. The frequent use of these medicines may result in serious health problems such as fatigue, dizziness, liver damage, impotence, depression etc.

When compared to those medicines respitrol goes far beyond in performance by making an attempt to eradicate the root cause of the problem at the cellular level. It comes as good news for the people who do not want to risk their health to cure asthma by attracting the side effects of the medicines normally prescribed for asthma patients.

Almost 88% of the people who have used this tropical medicine to treat asthma are reported to have experienced positive results. That itself shows the success of resipitrol. The natural ingredients of this medicine will help the patients of asthma to breath clearly without wheezing or chest congestion. Continuous use of resipitrol will enable an asthma patient to engage in physical activities without fearing about an attack of asthma. Gradually he will overcome the fear and anxiety related to asthma and will start to enjoy a normal life like all others.

Normally a patient who uses this medicine will start to experience the positive results within one or two weeks. Resipitrol is a safe medicine to be used along with other prescribed medications to be used to treat asthma. It will not create any negative interactions with chemical based drugs.

Asthma Exercises and Other Tips For Asthma Sufferers

Asthma exercise is actually important in easing the symptoms of this chronic respiratory inflammation problem. But since strenuous activities and even some types of exercise can induce flare-ups of asthma, many people think that asthma and exercise do not mix altogether.

However, if you have this respiratory illness, you cannot simply be a couch potato all your life. Remember that lack of exercise and physical activities may protect you from exercise-triggered inflammation of your air passageway, but it won't prevent obesity and the other problems that come with lack of exercise. Here are some tips that you might want to follow if you are planning to start an exercise regimen for asthmatics.

The first thing that you need to consider about asthma exercise is that you should start slow. You do not need to perform 100 push-ups or crunches in one sitting. According to research, people suffering from this respiratory condition can increase asthma exercise or aerobic activity over time. But for starters, perform simple and easy steps first before you go to extreme activities. The slow approach will help minimize asthma attacks that are induced by strenuous exercise. Even if you have asthma, you can probably go mountain climbing or do extreme sports, just make sure that you do not overexert yourself and do heavy stuff all of a sudden without prepping up your body.

Another important asthma exercise consideration is consistency and regularity. Intermittent extreme exercises will not prevent you from having severe flare-ups. Instead, start with a leisurely walk all around the park for thirty minutes. The next day, you can either increase your speed or walk for a longer distance. After a few weeks of adding intensity or workout hours, you can probably start strenuous asthma exercise without getting a single asthma attack. However, it is important that you regularly monitor your body's reaction to certain changes in your asthma exercise because you would not know when you will be having sudden attacks.

Managing asthma is actually easier than it looks. In fact, there are even famous athletes who have asthma problems but were still able to win Olympic medals, take the case of Jackie-Joyner Kersee. You just have to make sure that you make necessary precautions when doing asthma exercise. Be sure to always bring your asthma medications or inhaler with you whenever you plan to go to the gym or run around the park. Alongside asthma exercise, you can also reduce your asthma attacks by minimizing stress, getting better sleep, and eating right.

Asthma is a Chronic Medical Condition

There are many chronic medical conditions and it would be literally impossible to cover each and every one of them in one small article. Instead I have decided to expand upon a single issue and that is asthma.

Asthma has become a worldwide problem which knows no age limit. He is found in both children as well as adults. In recent years the condition has been becoming a very serious health concern to medical professionals particularly due to the vast number of increased cases which are causing an alarming rise in children's afflictions.

For those people who are currently suffering from the effects of asthma they know only too well how this chronic medical condition effects their ability to breath when they experience a flare-up. It become just about impossible for these patients to achieve a normal breathing pattern when their air passages have reacted adversely to any sort of atmospheric change or and other dreaded allergens. These sudden attacks are capable of occurring to even the very best of prepared individuals and can be so severe that death can result.

Those people who suffer from this condition have learned that there are certain ways that they can effectively reduce their risks of asthma attacks by carefully monitoring their condition on a daily basis. The actual frequency of the attacks as well as the severity of them will determine what course of actions and treatment the patient must follow.

Usually treatment falls into one of several major categories. First should be medications which will prevent such attacks from occurring. Second, the treating of those minor attacks which happen and lastly, treating any life threatening situations as they occur.

During the preventive phase each asthma sufferer will be provided with what is called a Bronchodilator. This instrument will provide immediate relief from any minor attack. Many asthma patients have found this to be very sufficient and no other asthmatic medication is generally required.

For those patients who may be experiencing a more serious condition the medical care giver may advise the use of a low dose glucocorticoids or perhaps a mastcell stabilizer. Unless your condition is extremely severe you should not expect your physician to prescribe the use of oral glucocorticoids.

Regardless of the patients severity condition a patients has some sort of medical reliever to help their condition. It is important that the asthma patient be able to quickly assess the various situations which tend to trigger the attacks in order to successfully avoid those particular conditions.

Atmospheric pollution is now believed to be making the asthmatic condition even worse around major cities or industrial areas.

The medications prescribed for asthma will help to prevent or to treat flare-ups but they should be used very sparingly as they bring with them some very serious side effects. As an example, continued and regular use has resulted in fatigue, dizziness, a lack of sex drive, depression or liver damage.

An alternative to this is the use of more natural products that may be recommended for those patients who are suffering from respiratory conditions. These natural products tend to attack the root cause of the problem and not merely cover up the reason for the condition.

Recognizing the Early Signs of Asthma

Asthma is among the most common breathing disorders among children. An asthma attack occurs when the airways of the patient tighten up. An asthma attack causes great discomfort in the patient as the patient struggles to breathe and finds it hard to regain his natural breathing rhythm. In a large number of cases, the problem subsides, as the child steps into his teens. But it is important for parents to recognize these early signs of asthma, so that appropriate care and treatment can be incorporated.

Asthma Causes & Triggers

The swelling of bronchial tubes causes the tightening of air passage, which causes the patient to breathe with difficulty. It is not known, that what exactly triggers an asthma attack. However, certain factors which may be a mix of environmental and genetic factors are held responsible for this disorder. Some of the reasons for early signs of asthma are:

o Family history of asthma
o Allergies
o Respiratory or viral infection during growing years, which causes the immune system to become weak and thus prone to allergies
o According to another theory, tremendous emphasis on hygiene during early childhood makes children susceptible to infections and allergies, when they step outside the protected environment of their homes.
o Some medications
o Strenuous physical exercise

Prevention Of The Disease

The most important thing for people with early signs of asthma is to avoid contact with allergens or factors causing allergy. These may include: dust, cat or dog hair, cockroach waste, mold, pollen, etc. Some other factors may also irritate the normal functioning of the respiratory tract of the patient. That may include pollution from vehicles, chemicals, cigarette or tobacco smoke, etc. Rigorous exercise and physical activity must also be avoided by the patients.

Common Symptoms Of Asthma

Symptoms of asthma may vary from one patient to the other and from time to time in the same patient. Attacks of asthma are often preceded by the symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath, tightness of chest, and wheezing.

The intensity of an asthma attack may be mild or severe. Mild asthma attacks are common and occur more often. They subside in a few minutes to a few hours, when the airways open up. The patient suffers discomfort during such time, but his condition is under control. Severe asthma attacks occur rarely but in such cases, immediate medical attention is required. Patients prone to severe attacks must always have an inhaler within easy reach.

Treating Asthma

Treatment of asthma is a combination of medical care and prevention.
Three step regimen is followed for treating this disorder.

1. Steering clear of trigger factors
2. Medication
3. Observing and controlling symptoms

More important than curing asthma is to control the symptoms of asthma. This can only be done when the patient and their family recognize the symptoms in time.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Asthma Treatment

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a non-curable yet controllable disease, and the first step in asthma treatment is that of environmental control, as the environment is considered as being one of the most primary causes of asthma attacks. There are certain symptoms of asthma, including: tightness in the chest, wheezing sound, shortness of breath, persistent cough, and increased pulse or heart rate.

More on Asthma.

More on Natural Asthma Treatment.

What are the Available Methods of Asthma Treatment?

In regards to the asthma treatment that is available today, there are basic steps that are advised by most physicians in order to attempt to at least avoid attacks, which are: clean the house at least once a week, avoid any pets with fur or feathers, wash the bedding weekly in hot water, encase the mattress and pillows in dust-proof covers, consider replacing any upholstered furniture with leather or vinyl, consider replacing carpets in your home with hardwood floors or tile, and remember to keep the humidity in the house as low as you possibly can.

The most important form of asthma treatment if for asthmatics to take their proper medications properly and as prescribed. Asthma treatment in relation to this involves that of the monitoring of lung function, especially with the use of that of a peak flow meter, which is used to gauge lung function. This is incredibly important because lung function decreases dramatically before the actual symptoms of an asthma attack, and if the meter results in indicating that the peak flow is down by 20 percent or more from your usual best effort, then generally an asthma attack is on its way.

There are also anti-inflammatories which are often used, and which work by reducing the number of inflammatory cells in the airways and by preventing blood vessels from leaking any fluid into the airway tissues. However, the unfortunate part of this is that there are some people who cannot control the symptoms of asthma even when avoiding the triggers and using the proper medication, and for these people, there is the option of immunotherapy. This type of therapy involves the injection of allergen extracts in order to desensitize the person, and this asthma treatment in particular begins with injections of a solution of allergen given typically five times a week to start, and then the strength will be gradually increased as time goes on.

Herbal and homeopathic asthma treatment are also considered as being quite positive, and depending on the severity of the asthma itself in the person, herbal and homeopathic treatments can reduce or even eliminate the need for synthetic drugs, and even inhalers, and they can also safely be used to complement that of the more conventional asthma treatment.

Can Pets Trigger Your Asthma?

Household pets consist of protein that is not human protein, so animal tissue might be the cause of allergies in some humans, which could trigger asthma. Human exposure to animal skin cells (dander) that have been normally shed is the most important source of sensitization. Animal saliva, urine, and hair also carry the allergy-provoking protein substances. Animal hair, since it is not in solution, causes fewer problems than saliva and urine.

Cats seem to cause more trouble than dogs. Certain major proteins have been found in cats that have been demonstrated to cause asthma. Some cats produce more of the offending proteins than others, and males produce more than females. It is also true that some cat allergens are more potent than others. Removing a cat from a home will reduce the amount of cat protein, but it may take as long as 6 months after the cat is gone for all of the cat allergen to degenerate and be gone.

Dogs are a little less offensive than cats when it comes to allergens, so results of exposure by the patient to dog protein are less explosive than with cat tissue. Unlike with cats, no specific major dog allergen has been identified. Dog proteins capable of causing symptoms have been found in dog dander, saliva, and serum. There are differences in structure and production of dog allergen with regard to breed. All breeds, including the Chihuahua and the Poodle, are capable of causing allergies.

Exposure to horse dander produces reactions as volatile as exposure to cats. But horse exposure is usually outdoors, ensuring less concentrated and shorter exposure than to cat dander. Allergy to cows, goats, and sheep is usually occupational, occurring in people such as veterinarians who have repeated exposure to such animals.

Chickens, ducks and other fowl can harbor mites in their feathers that could cause allergies. With the uptake of keeping fowl in the backyard for eggs, this is yet another source to look out for. There is also the possibility that the growth of mold in feathers, including feather pillows, is the source of some symptoms of allergies. Feather pillows are readily replaceable with synthetic materials, often eliminating the problem.

As a general rule, if you sneeze or wheeze after handling a pet you may be allergic and the allergy may trigger your asthma.

Treatments to Help Fight Asthma Symptoms

Asthma is a disease that is long term and cannot be cured. Millions of Americans including young children suffer from this condition. It can affect people differently though. While some people may have flare ups every few years others will have to deal with it on a much more severe basis.

The good thing is there are treatments that help to control the symptoms and to keep it at bay. These medications will help to prevent mild to severe symptoms, help your body to maintain proper lung function, allow you to do normal activities and sleep through the whole night, and will help to prevent asthma attacks that could send you to the hospital.

Asthma can be treated with two types of medicines; long term and quick relief. These medicines will help to reduce the inflammation in the airways and to prevent symptoms. The Quick relief medicines will work to relieve asthma symptoms that can flare up when you least expect it.

Whichever treatment you are being put on will help to determine how severe the disease can be for you. It is important that you have follow up asthma treatments because it will depend how you should live your life and what precautions - if any - you will need to take.

Your doctor will consider several things when deciding what asthma medicines would be best for you. Most doctors will use a stepwise plan when prescribing medicines. They will give you something and look to see how well it works to control attacks and your symptoms. If needed they will give you different medicine or will change the dose.

You can take asthma medication in pill form or through an inhaler. The inhaler is built to send the medicine straight to your lungs and is used more often during attacks. It is important to know that not all inhalers will work the same way. That is why you need to make sure that you receive proper instructions and understand everything that your doctor tells you before using it.

Home Remedies for Asthma to Prevent Asthma Attack

When it comes to asthma home remedies be careful about which ones you choose. If you are looking for natural home remedies on the net, be careful and study each one before attempting them yourself, look for testimonials from other asthmatics that have similar symptoms to what you may be experiencing. Another good tip to remember when trying to prevent attacks, is to try and cover you nose and mouth when going out into the cold air, because the cold air will likely cause symptoms for you.

Besides, it is a good idea to stay away from dairy products such as milk and cheese, because they can increase the amount of mucus that comes with an attack. Natural home remedies that actually work can be something that is hard to come by so do your research before trying any asthma home remedies.

Natural Home Remedies for Asthma

There are a lot of natural home remedies out there and finding the one that is both perfect for you and actually works can be a difficult experience, so here are some natural home remedies that might make that experience a little bit easier. Today one of the most popular natural home remedies for asthma would be honey. Yes, you read that right, regular honey right out of your kitchen! It is said that by smelling the honey it can actually reduce your symptoms.

A lot of people who suffer from nocturnal asthma know how difficult the night time hours can be, but vitamin C may very well be the answer. Vitamin C is said to help prevent those symptoms that occur during the night and early hours of the morning, so by taking vitamin C before bed could help reduce some of your night time symptoms. Sometimes out of all the home remedies there is just nothing better then good old-fashioned fresh air, simply setting outdoors can help reduce your asthma symptoms, but be careful to avoid dust and cold weather.

Garlic is also considered to be an effective part of the group of natural asthma home remedies. Another popular theory for curing or reducing symptoms would be to boil garlic in milk. This is said to help in many asthmatic symptoms. There are also many home remedies involving grapes this may sound a little strange but some people swear that it is effective. The theory is that you should soak fresh grapes with seeds, in water then place them in a cool place. Then chew the grapes before bed. This helps prevent symptoms. Again, none of these home remedies have been scientifically proven to be true. They are simply home treatments that others have tried. Some may work while others may not, it is up to you to decide for yourself if these treatments actually work.

Remember that if you are thinking about trying any of these, ask your local physician to see if it will be safe for you to try out these home remedies. Never forget that a lot of the home remedies for asthma out there today are just suggestions by people who have asthma or know someone with asthma. When you are looking for remedies online, be careful to choose web sites that are legitimate, and that provide facts about asthma and treatments. Be sure that the home remedies you try are all natural. So, play it smart and choose wisely when it comes to asthma home remedies.

Natural Asthma Treatment - Home Remedies For Asthma

There are many things asthma sufferers can ingest to minimize asthmatic symptoms which can help eliminate the need for asthma drugs or medications. Here is a look at a few proven natural asthma treatments which you should try to incorporate into your daily asthma management plan.

Steam is a very effective home remedy natural treatment for asthma. Steam can be used in an instance of an asthma attack. Access to a steam room is best, alternatively, take a hot shower or simply pour boiling water into a bucket and place a towel over your head and lean over the bucket of boiling water. Add Eucalyptus into the bucket to clear mucus or unblock your nasal passages.

Spices are fantastic for their anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.

Herbal teas are highly beneficial and are a simple solution in the treatment of asthma. Ginger, Liquorice root and Peppermint tea are very good home remedies for asthma. You can add lemon, garlic, cloves or turmeric into the tea for more anti inflammatory, natural asthma relieving potency. Also add honey for sweetness which is also very beneficial for asthma.

Probiotics such as those in yogurt, kefir and fermented vegetables are extremely beneficial for asthma and is a fantastic natural asthma remedy. Asthma is an auto-immune disease, so by boosting your immune system through the ingestion of probiotics, you can have dramatic relief from asthma.

Fresh air and a safe level of sun exposure are also simple measures you should take to manage asthma naturally. If you are feeling asthmatic symptoms coming on, perhaps just taking a walk outside in some fresh air and soaking up some healthy sunlight can help. Vitamin D from the sun is a powerful immune booster. Also light to moderate exercise can be a very helpful bronchodilator, opening up narrowed airways the same way as your rescue medications in a natural way. Other benefit to exercise is it is a great stress relief. Stress can contribute to asthma symptoms.

Black coffee or tea is another effective bronchodilator and can be used during a mild bout of asthma.

Ensure you are drinking enough water each day. The exact quantity of water you will need each day depends of the temperature and activity level. You should monitor the color of your urine. Ideally your urine should be as clear as possible. If it is a bright yellow color, this is a sign of dehydration.

Apple Cider Vinegar can be added to water for an alkalizing natural asthma treatment. Make sure you only use the unpasteurized unfiltered organic variety in which the mother is still alive. Pasteurization kills the mother which is a very important feature of Apple Cider Vinegar.

COPD - Definition, Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment

What does COPD mean? COPD stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It encompasses two types of disease processes namely chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Quite often, people who suffer from COPD show a combination of features of both disease processes. In lay person's term, COPD means persistent lung disease with features of airway narrowing. To be more specific, bronchitis means inflammation of the bronchi or the larger airways of the lungs whereas emphysema means destruction to the smaller airways and alveoli or airsacs of the lungs. Thus COPD is commonly used to describe chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both.

Is COPD a common condition? It is one of the commonest conditions that require hospital admission during period of flare-ups. According to one epidemiology study in the US, approximately eight million people have chronic bronchitis whereas 2 million people have emphysema. As we can see, chronic bronchitis is more common than emphysema.

What are the causes of COPD? Smoking. Smoking is the number 1 cause of COPD. More than 90 percent of COPDs are caused by smoking, cigarette or otherwise. About 30 percent of long term smokers will eventually show symptoms of COPD of varying degrees. Other causes include air pollution and inherited enzyme deficiency namely alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency.

How does smoking cause COPD? Smoking inadvertently damages the lining of the airways. As with any other part of the body in response to injury, inflammation occurs. Inflammation stimulates the damaged lining to secrete mucus in an abnormal amount and also causes the airway to constrict (narrow).

What are the symptoms of COPD? The two main symptoms are cough and breathlessness. COPD sufferers commonly complain about breathlessness and cough that develop gradually over a long period of time. The cough that COPD sufferer gets are usually productive which means they commonly cough up phlegm. The cough usually comes and goes initially but tends to become persistent as time passes. Breathlessness is usually intermittent and only occurs with exertion in the beginning, however if you continue to smoke, the breathlessness persists even when you are at rest, this can be quite distressing! Other symptoms are chronic sputum production, where you constantly cough up phlegm all day and recurrent chest infection. People with COPD are more prone to chest infection for obvious reasons, as the lining in the lung looses its normal defense mechanism against intruding bugs.

COPD sounds like asthma, are they any different? Yes. Both COPD and asthma cause similar symptoms, however, they are different in certain ways. COPD causes permanent damage to the airways. The obstruction is 'fixed', hence it is irreversible in general terms. However, airway narrowing in asthma is intermittent and reverses quite easily with medication. Having said that, both COPD and asthma is common, people who suffer COPD can have an asthmatic component and vice versa.

What tests are needed to diagnose COPD? A test called spirometry is often performed to diagnose COPD. Bronchodilators (drugs that cause the airway to dilate) are usually added to confirm the diagnosis. If the test result does not show improvement with bronchodilators, then COPD is very likely.

What are the treatments of COPD? First of all. Stop smoking. This cannot be stressed enough. Smoking cessation is the first thing you have to do if you want to get better. As the underlying mechanism of COPD is irreversible, medications are used with an aim to slow down it's progress. Drugs that are commonly used to treat COPD include short-acting bronchodilator inhalers (i.e. salbutamol), long-acting bronchodilator inhalers (i.e. tiotropium), steroid inhalers and tablets are all available drugs for treatment of COPD. Again, no treatment is more important that stop smoking. Lung transplant is the last option and should be reserved for people with severe COPD.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Asthma Home Remedies - Six Different Ways to Relieve Asthma

Many people who suffer from asthma have a difficult time finding anything that cures or even helps their asthma. For many of these people, one or more than one of the many known asthma home remedies below would help.

Hot Black Coffee

Drinking hot black coffee actually solves two problems at the same time.

The caffeine in the coffee helps open-up the airways in your lungs. This makes it easier for the air to pass in and out.

Then the heat of the coffee helps break-up the mucus in your lungs. Often the lungs form plugs that stop the flow of air. So when the heat of the coffee breaks up this mucus then it helps breathing and stops an asthma attack.

Steamy Bathroom

A steamy bathroom is one of the remedies that work for many types of coughs as well. When an asthma attack begins you should go into the bathroom and turn the shower on as hot as it will go. Then stay in the bathroom with the door closed while the steam rises from the shower and fills the entire bathroom. Breathing in the steam from the shower will help alleviate the asthma attack.

Sometimes it works even better if you close the shower curtain to help keep the steam in a more contained area. Then stick your head inside the shower (be careful not to get burned!) and breathe in the steamy air.

A Few Other Asthma Home Remedies

Here are a few other remedies that involve drinking or taking in different concoctions.

The first concoction is one teaspoon of honey with a half teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Mix these two ingredients together and then consume.

The second remedy is for people who are still in the early stages of developing asthma. Every night you should boil about ten cloves of garlic in half a cup of milk and then drink it just before bedtime.

Another possible remedy to be taken at night is to take a glass of very hot water and add a teaspoon of honey to it. Drink it slowly just before going to bed.

Finally, soak one teaspoon of Fenugreek seeds in a cup of water for about eight hours (overnight works great). Then strain the water and add one teaspoon of ginger juice and one teaspoon of honey to the water. Drink this in the morning and at night every single day.

The Benefits These Remedies

If you are suffering from asthma, you want to try to treat your condition yourself as much as possible. Trying different strategies and methods is the best way you can find your own cure and relief from asthma.

Chronic Asthma Information

Not everyone with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease suffers from this form asthma, but many individuals who experience emphysema or chronic bronchitis have asthma-like symptoms. Medical experts continue to debate whether chronic asthma should be classified as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, since asthma can be reversed.

Chronic asthma is an inflammatory disease of the airways; the term asthma is derived from an ancient Greek word which means panting. With this type of panting, the inflammation leads to the narrowing of the airways, which can cause wheezing, breathlessness, and gasping for air.

Studies indicate that this severe form of difficulty with breatjing involves two stages: the hyper-reactive response and the inflammatory response. The hyper-reactive response refers to the constriction of the airways in response to inhaled irritants, while the inflammatory stage involves the production of white blood cells in the airways.

During a chronic asthma attack, the muscle tissue in the walls of the bronchi experiences spasms, causing labored breathing. This can lead to coughing, shortness of breath and wheezing occur almost everyday. In order to combat this ailment, several medications may be needed.

Some medical experts speculate that the persistent symptoms of this severe type of breathing attack indicates a food allergy. As a result, some doctors encourage those suffering from breathing difficulties to revise their diets in order to reduce the incidence of flare-ups.

There are some other simple strategies one can follow in order to alleviate symptoms of asthmatic attacks. These include removing the cause of chronic asthma, treating the symptoms, or altering the host to be more tolerant of the causes.

If you've been diagnosed with this form of asthmatic problem, medical experts suggest stopping all smoking and banning cigarette smoke from the house. Patients should also stop the use of volatile chemicals, which may exacerbate one's symptoms. Ending contact with pets can also alleviate the problem.

The aims of any treatment program should include: avoiding the trigger factors for asthmatic attacks, eliminating symptoms, restoring normal lung function, reducing the incidence of severe attacks, and minimizing the side-effects of drugs.

Drug therapy can fall into three categories. Acute asthma can be attacked with preventors or anti-inflammatories; relievers, which provide acute relief of symptoms; and controllers, which provide a sustained bronchodilator action with a mild anti-inflammatory action.

It should be noted that there are some misconceptions about the treatment . For instance, antihistamines do not appear to be an effective treatment strategy as some have thought. Immunosuppressives such as methotrexate are rarely beneficial and acupuncture has a negligible effect.

The basic goals of educating those with this form of asthmatic attacks include an ability to understand the nature of the breathing difficulties, an understanding of different types of asthma medication, an understanding of prevention strategies, knowing the correct use of inhalers, and recognizing signs of worsening symptoms.

Interestingly enough, chronic asthma is often misdiagnosed in the elderly. Also, older people are more susceptible to the side-effects of drugs used to treat this scary affliction. As a result, senior citizens need special prevention strategies for acute asthma.

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Asthma

Asthma starts at all ages. There are two types of asthma.

1. Extrinsic

2. Intrinsic

Extrinsic asthma is the most common type of asthma seen in asthma patients all over the world. Extrinsic asthma develops during childhood, since children are most susceptible to allergies. Most allergies in children are due to hay fever, eczema or family history of allergies.These allergies disappear as the child grows older and so does asthma, but they may reappear in later stages of life.

Intrinsic type of asthma occurs mostly in women who are in their late 20s and early 30s. It is not associated with allergies and intrinsic type of asthma is more chronic and perennial.

The cause of intrinsic asthma can be traced to respiratory tract infections. Asthma also has categorizations based on the intensity of the disease. Asthma can be mild, moderate and severe Mild asthma is found in 30% of the patients. With the decrease in air quality, asthma has become a very prevalent condition, especially in Western societies.

Scientists believe that if you have a parent with asthma, and depending on you genetic makeup, you run the risk of being predisposed to a diagnosis of asthma. Your risk of been diagnosed with an asthma allergy increases if you also have a sibling who has also been diagnosed with asthma. Preventers are used regularly and are taken long term to control chronic symptoms and prevent asthma attacks. Relievers are used for speedy, short-term relief during symptoms of worsening asthma attack. Medications for allergy-induced asthma reduce your body's reaction to a particular allergy and prevent your immune system from reacting to allergies.

A Drug-free, Alternative Treatment for Allergies That Works!

Allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic disease in America (1), costing U.S. companies more than $250 million annually due to increased absenteeism and reduced productivity. (2) With the incidence of allergies skyrocketing, eliminating the causes and discovering new treatments is the key to bringing the epidemic under control.

What is an Allergy?

When the immune system "mistakes" common substances such as pollens or nuts as a "foreigner", it can over-react and mount an often violent response to expel the "threatening invader," referred to as an allergen. An allergic reaction occurs when a specific antibody, IgE, links the allergen to a specialized white blood cell called a mast cell, releasing histamine into circulation. The results are the commonly recognized symptoms of an allergy: itchy, watery eyes, sneezing and a runny nose. Allergic reactions can also manifest as an asthma attack, violent abdominal cramping or an immediate, severe skin reaction recognized as hives. The most severe type of allergic reaction, anaphylaxis, can result in loss of consciousness and even death.

Why are Allergies Increasing...unsuspected causes

Investigators have identified many substances that can induce the production of IgE antibodies. A little recognized cause included the preservatives found in vaccinations. Mercury, aluminum and gelatin have all been reported in the medical literature to increase IgE concentrations, playing a potential role in the development allergies. (3) There is evidence that the MMR can induce IgE antibodies, evidence that childhood viral immunizations can induce atopic reactions (allergies).(4) Children are exposed to these substances beginning with the routine two-month old vaccinations. Because a newborn's immune system is not fully developed, infancy is a high risk period for allergic sensitization. Events that occur early in life, such as vaccination, have the potential for inducing the development of allergies and asthma later in life.

The incidence of asthma appears to disproportionately affect socially disadvantaged residents of low-income, inner city neighborhoods. A well-documented cause for this is exposure to a protein found in cockroach dropping. One in five children in the U.S. is allergic to cockroach allergens, as indicated by a positive skin prick test.(5) This is believed to be the major risk factor for the development of asthma among children in inner-city homes.

Exposure to antibiotics has been linked to the development allergies. A recently study published in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Allergy(6) documents that children given antibiotics during the first year of life are more than four times more likely to develop asthma than children who have never taken antibiotics. When the statistics are adjusted for factors such as gender, ethnicity, family size, family history of asthma and parents' smoking habits, the risk of developing asthma is six times greater in those who have received antibiotics than the risk experienced by children who have never taken them.

Common health problems: think allergies
Allergies are often the underlying cause of a myriad of seemingly unrelated health problems. Many people do not realize that symptoms such as body aches, fatigue, indigestion, headaches, ear infections, irritability, hyperactivity and learning disabilities can be symptoms of overlooked food and environmental allergies. Studies have revealed the following facts:

o The results of a study involving 104 children with >chronic ear infections showed that 78% had positive allergy tests to foods and an elimination diet led to a significant amelioration of symptoms in 86%. The most common allergenic foods were cow's milk (38%), wheat (33%), egg white (25%), peanut (20%) and soya (17%)(7).

o An Italian study of 204 babies found that approximately 45% had stomach discomfort caused by cow's milk.(8)

o Children with inflammatory bowel disease experienced prolonged remission of symptoms with when placed on diets that eliminated grains, dairy products and yeast.(9)

o Professor John Egger reported in the Journal of Pediatrics that epileptics who also have food intolerance symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches or ADHD may have seizures triggered by food additives.(10)

In addition, many parents don't realize that hyperactivity, distractibility and aggressive behavior associated with ADD and ADHD can be triggered by food intolerances. These concepts have been around for many years and have been fully discussed in books by two researcher/physicians, Dr. Ben Feingold, author of Why Your Child is Hyperactive and Dr. Doris Rapp, author of Is This Your Child. Dr. Rapp documented in her book that 67% of children diagnosed with ADHD were actually reacting to unrecognized food and environmental allergies.

What can be done?

An unusual but effective way to identify and treat allergies is through the use of kinesiology, commonly referred to as muscle testing. With this method, the patient holds a vial containing a suspected allergen in his hand while the practitioner applies gentle pressure to the opposite arm to measure muscle strength. If the muscle tests weak, a sensitivity to the substance has been identified.

There are several techniques that incorporate the use of kinesiology to relieve allergies. Perhaps the most widely known is a method called NAET, named after its founder, Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techique. Two other similar techniques are BioSET (Dr. Ellen Cutler's method) and Tenpenny's Sensitivity Reduction Technique, or T-SRT (developed by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.) All of these techniques involved the use of kinesiology, homeopathy and acupressure/acupuncture, and are categorized as forms of Energy Medicine.

Allergy elimination using energy medicine techniques work to "re-pattern" the immune system so it no longer reacts to harmless substances as if they were a threat. What makes this form allergy elimination so remarkable is that a successful treatment means you no longer need to avoid the allergen. In a study published in 2001 in Alternative Medicine Review(11), 87.2% of the study's 90 participants who eliminated their allergies using an energy medicine approach rated the efficacy of the technique as "good to excellent."

The alternative treatments for allergies are gradually becoming accepted. Until these methods are embraced by conventional medicine, most will not be covered by standard health insurance. However, if getting well and eliminating allergies is the goal, many will chose to do "whatever it takes" and find a way to incorporate these costs into the family budget. By following a good diet and including herbs, vitamins, and energy medicine techniques into a well-rounded healthcare program, restoring health in 2007 can be accomplished.

The Health Benefits of Reishi For the Respiratory System

The Reishi mushroom is hailed as the king of all mushrooms, as it has many benefits on the overall health of the body. One area, where the Reishi mushroom is effective in, is the respiratory system. It has proven itself to be effective in helping with the symptoms of asthma, bronchitis and allergies.


Asthma is a very common disease that affects the airways. It can make it difficult to breathe and cause a tightness in the chest. It can also cause coughing and wheezing. Conventional medicine does not have a cure for this condition, but Reishi is said to help ease the symptoms. According to studies the mushroom is effective against the inflammation that builds up in the airways that bring about the symptoms of asthma.

Other inflammatory conditions that can be helped with Reishi include rheumatoid arthritis and HIV.


Bronchitis is another inflammatory disease that affects the airways. The symptoms are similar to that of the common cold, which include a cough. During chronic bronchitis, the cough brings up mucus and can last for months. Once again, Reishi's powerful anti-inflammatory properties can reduce the inflammation, allowing the individual to find relief from the symptoms.


Allergies are very common in the Western countries. They are often aggravated by substances that the body feels threatened by. These include pollen, dust, pet dander, chemicals and smoke. Food allergies are also common, which can cause digestive issues. Common symptoms of an allergic reaction are sinus pressure, sneezing and a stuffy nose, skin rashes and watery eyes.

An allergic reaction is simply an overreaction of the immune system. When the system is weakened by other toxins, then something as little as dust can cause the defense system to overreact, simply because it feels threatened. As a result, the immune system produces extra mucus to help eliminate the foreign substances from the body.

Reishi is effective in eliminating toxins from the body, which in turn strengthens the system so that it no longer has to feel threatened. As a result, the inflammation and other symptoms begin to disappear.

Other health conditions that are helped by a strong immune system include cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes mellitus type 1, graves disease and ulcerative colitis.

Reishi mushroom is available in a supplement form, as well as in a dried form. Due to its powerful medicinal ingredients, pregnant women, and those who are allergic to other mushrooms are advised not to take it, unless prescribed by a physician.

Dealing with Asthma In Adults

Asthma is a chronic lung disorder caused when the airways react to certain allergens or stimuli. If it isn't treated and managed effectively, it can ultimately become a life-threatening disease.

People can develop asthma during adulthood, even if they've never had any problems earlier in life - even during middle age or even older. This is known as Adult Onset Asthma.

Proper diagnosis is important because asthma symptoms are often similar to other illnesses that can develop in adults, including chest problems, cough and even heart disease.

The most common asthma symptoms in adults include the following:

  • Wheezing

  • Shortness of breath

  • Persistent cough

  • Excess mucus production

  • Pain or tightness in the chest

There are number of things that can trigger asthma in adulthood. One of the most common - and severe - triggers is smoking. Cigarette smoke can cause acute asthma episodes as well as increased sensitivity to other allergens.

Smoking will always make asthma more severe and can also lead to other problems such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Smoking doesn't only effect the smoker who is asthmatic, either. Second hand smoke will aggravate asthma for anyone exposed to it, and fetal exposure to maternal smoking can also lead to early onset asthma.

Some of the other common asthma triggers in adults include:

  • Pollen, mold and other allergens

  • Strong odors

  • Infections

  • Certain medications such as beta-blockers and anti-inflammatory drugs

  • Dust

  • Exercise

Asthma is a permanent condition - not something that is treated then gone. Even when the symptoms are not apparent, the condition still exists.

As people get older, the lungs become less and less capable, resulting in more pronounced effects from asthma. For this reason, adult onset asthma must be managed properly because if the lungs deteriorate, they may never recover.