Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Asthma Attack Symptoms and Its Effect on Your Daily Life

Asthma is an irritating and difficult condition to have. Not only that, depending on the severity of your condition, it can set certain limits to your activities affecting your quality of life in general. In order to handle your condition more effectively and achieve long term relief, you will need to follow the action plan that you and your health care provider has developed.

As described in your action plan in order for you to become an effective part of the treatment process you need to be able to recognize the particular symptoms of asthma attack. While most of the symptoms that asthma can show are very visible and easily recognizable there are certain symptoms that are somewhat misleading and minute that chances are, you wont be able to see them. So to give you further ideas about the common and uncommon symptoms associated with asthma attacks here are some of them:

Wheezing: This is one of the most common among the symptoms of asthma attack. While wheezing may not guarantee attacks it is already a clear cut sign that something is wrong and needs to be done. This symptom is mainly characterized by the "whistling sound" asthmatics give off every time they breathe.

Coughing: This is another very common asthma symptom. Coughing is caused by the inflammation and congestion of mucus within the respiratory system making it difficult for air to move around.

Feeling of tightness in the chest: This symptom is also brought about by inflammation of the bronchial tree. As the amount of oxygen which passes through the body gets smaller and smaller, asthmatics start to feel "stuffy" and might counteract by inhaling too quickly and too deeply which can also contribute to the worsening of the condition. While this symptoms does not really tell the severity of the attack experiencing this symptom will likely foretell that an imminent attack is underway and that action should immediately be taken.

Sleep Apnea: The commonality of this symptom is rare and not to mention difficult to determine. Sleep apnea is a condition characterized by pauses in breathing experienced by individuals during sleep. These pauses are caused by obstruction within the airways giving signs to brewing trouble. If you experience sleep apnea, then it would be best to let your doctors know as it may also be a signal for something else.

Chest Pains: Different from feeling tight in the chest, these chest pains resemble something more like a heart attack. The pain can be so severe as to cause panic within the individual. While this symptom might be misleading, it is also not an accurate basis of how severe the oncoming attack will be.

These are just several symptoms of asthma attack, and there are plenty of common as well as uncommon symptoms associated with it as well. If you experience any of the symptoms stated above, take action immediately. Do not wait and see if things will get better, because its more likely to get worse if you leave it alone.

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