Monday, September 2, 2013

Common Asthma Attack Symptoms

Asthma attack symptoms are extremely important for asthma sufferers or their care givers. When you learn to recognize them, you are in a better position to prevent an attack and you will know what to do to offer assistance. The attacks can be extremely frightening to go through, or to witness, and knowing the symptoms can help prevent one from happening, or becoming fatal.

Learn these asthma attack symptoms:

1. A person who suffers from an attack will experience severe wheezing. This is one of the most obvious symptom for a sufferers, and can be triggered by an allergic reaction, fatigue may also contribute to wheezing.

2. Another obvious symptom for an asthma attack is coughing continuously. It helps if the patient is sitting up straight to avoid blocking the trachea and to minimize choking.

3. An attack may also make it difficult for a patient to speak. Not being able to speak may be associated with other medical conditions such as strokes, however, if the person is wheezing and coughing, it will be clear that they are suffering from an asthma attack.

4. A patient may also suffer chest pain during an attack, and they may have difficulty breathing. They will also experience shortness of breath.

5. An attack is frightening, so when a person is experiencing an attack, they are under severe fear and panic, and this can result in a full blown anxiety attack.

More asthma attack symptoms include:

• Rapid breathing
• Sweating
• Tightened neck
• Blue lips or fingernails
• Difficulty performing normal activities

One of the best ways to deal with a person suffering an asthma attack, is to call for help. Make sure that you try to calm them down, and reassure them that help is on the way.

For asthma sufferers, the best ways to avoid or prevent an attack is to make sure that you get rid of whatever is stressing you, that may result in an attack. Also avoid all the other triggers such as dust, smoke and pollen that could possibly trigger an attack. Sometimes, even a viral infection can trigger an asthma attack.

Asthma sufferers need to manage their asthma on a daily basis and avoid the triggers that can cause an attack.

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