Friday, September 13, 2013

How to Get Rid of Phlegm Buildup in the Chest

Congestion of the lungs occurs when the body is incapable of clearing the build up of mucus and fluids, this gives rise to breathing difficulties, wheeziness and coughing. A lot of people think that exposure to the cold is the only cause of chest congestion but there are several other things that can cause the condition.

There are some people who suffer a strong allergic reaction to certain elements including molds, animal furs, pollen, dust and the like and display similar symptoms. Then, of course there is the condition caused by the common cold with accompanying runny nose and sore throat, this invariably leads to an infection of the chest. Similarly a viral infection such as flu can take hold and can become a serious issue. Unfortunately viruses can mutate and produce different flu like illnesses.

Resulting from colds and flu, bronchitis can set in. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the airways leading to the lungs, this condition can set up coughing fits as the body attempts to expel excessive mucus from the area of the lungs.This upper respiratory condition can remain for lengthy periods of time; up to three years in some cases. Smoking is a common cause for this condition which can be serious.

The services of a doctor is essential to differentiate one from the other and help to make a correct diagnoses.

Various other causes are:-

A serious condition called Asthma which is caused by the constriction of the airways thereby depriving the lungs of oxygen. There is no known cure for asthma but the condition can be controlled. An asthma attack can be triggered by many airborne irritants such as smoke, dust mites, mold, animal furs and various types of air pollutants.

Another serious lung condition is that of pneumonia, an infectious disease that is a leading cause of death amongst all age groups. Symptoms include shortness of breath, chest pains and the production of phlegm and mucus. The onset of this respiratory disease requires immediate medical treatment.

Whilst all the above conditions are unpleasant there are treatments available that can offer relief and in most cases a cure. Bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics whilst in the case of asthma, sprays and various other medications alleviate the symptoms should they occur.

In order to breakup the mucus that causes congestion, it is recommended that one should consume plenty of fluids, including hot drinks. The employment of common sense measures can also bring much relief. By assuming a propped up position, whilst resting, will assist in coughing up mucus and clearing the lungs.The avoidance of dust and other air pollutants will help prevent coughing fits and breathing difficulties.By adopting these simple measures the sufferer will hopefully speed up a recovery and keep the doctors away.

Whilst it is not always possible to avoid taking antibiotics and the like, commonsensical self help will minimise there usage in many cases. Essentially it is vital to seek medical advice if congestion and breathing difficulties persist and home remedies have proven unsuccessful.

Whilst the commonest underlying causes for chest congestion has been described in a brief and simple manner above, there are many facets of the various causes that require the expertise of specialists.

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