Sunday, September 8, 2013

How to Get Rid of Cold Induced Asthma Naturally

Just like other cases of asthma, cold induced asthma is a serious ailment concerning the respiratory system that needs to be paid some serious attention. Triggered by the cold air entering the airstreams, this condition is also known to be fatal if not dealt with accordingly.

Generally, your cold induced asthma can become apparent quickly or gradually depending on two major factors. Humidity, for one, plays a big role whether your cold induced asthma shows up quickly or not. Usually, if the air is colder to freezing, especially around spring time and winter, it would be most likely for your condition to manifest quickly.

The other factor is your manner of breathing. If you usually inhale with the use of your mouth, your air passages will have higher tendencies to dry up faster, triggering the quicker manifestation of the disorder.


Before you can learn how to treat this condition naturally, you must first learn if you have the condition by learning its different symptoms. Some examples of the signs that you have this type of asthma include the following:

1. Breathing difficulties.

2. Anxiety due to attack.

3. Bluish shade of lips and face due to the lack of oxygen.

4. Losing consciousness.

Once you see any of these symptoms in your system, especially during the colder months of the year, make sure to get yourself diagnosed. This will help you better manage your condition properly, especially since cold induced asthma is not so similar with other types of the ailment.


Aside from taking general medications, it is also pretty easy to deal with this condition naturally. By keeping in mind a number of do's and don'ts you'll surely be able to fully control your condition.

To do that, though, here are some of the natural techniques you can try to deal with this type of asthma:

1. Breathe through the nostrils. As breathing through your mouth can easily trigger an asthma attack, learn how you can properly breathe with your nose, especially when you're involved in a strenuous activity or during one of the colder days.

2. Exercise indoors during colder days. If you really have to get involved in a physical activity, you will have to do it indoors to avoid further exposing yourself from the harsh cold that can cause an asthma attack.

3. Wear a scarf. This accessory can help you from getting too cold and can also filter the cold air that can enter your airways, so make sure to add this piece of clothing to your outfit when going out.

Generally, cold induced asthma is pretty manageable. Just make sure to learn more about it, so you can have a better edge on controlling the condition.

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