Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Self-Care Strategies For Asthma Relief - You Don't Want to Miss This

Asthma is a big problem worldwide today. Many people who suffer from asthma do not even realize they have it until it gets out of control. They might go to the doctor with some respiratory problems and receive temporary asthma relief just to have it come back again because they were not properly diagnosed. Understanding the symptoms of asthma is vital so that you can get proper treatment for it.

Symptoms of asthma

As mentioned above, the symptoms of asthma can be so subtle at times that people and doctors confuse it with other respiratory problems. There are four main symptoms of asthma and being able to identify them quickly might be the difference between mild asthma and moderate to severe asthma. So, what are these symptoms?

1. Shortness of breath - occurs when the lungs are exerted
2. Coughing - usually worsens at night and in cold weather and becomes chronic
3. Wheezing - A hissing or whistling sound when a person exhales
4. Tightness in chest - This can occur with the other symptoms or by itself

People who suffer from asthma are generally prescribed a medication through the use of an inhaler. Although medication is an effective way to gain asthma relief, they usually come with a series of side effects which are rather unpleasant. The steroids in these types of medication, although highly effective in decreasing inflammation in lung tissue, might come with long term effects. People along with their doctors approval are considering the use of a more natural approach when treating asthma.

Natural self-care strategies for treating asthma

A common natural way to treat asthma is through the use of fish oils or supplements. This works well but be cautious as many people find they are allergic to these. Herbal remedies are another common natural treatment as well as they are all natural made by mother nature herself.

Green tea supplements which contain antioxidants may be used to treat asthma symptoms. Also, magnesium supplements which relax the muscles that tighten up around the air passageways and increase your breathing may be used.

Biovent, which is a unique combination of herbal and homeopathic ingredients, is a proven asthma treatment which controls and prevents asthma attacks. It improves respiratory health, strengthens the immune system and reduces the severity of asthma attacks.

Instead of relying on synthetic drugs with unpleasant side effects for asthma relief, talk with your doctor to see if you can substitute them with a more natural treatment. If you cannot use these natural self-care strategies in place of a prescription medication, perhaps you can reduce the amount of medicine by following a natural asthma treatment regimen. Either way, when using any of these or other natural treatments, be sure to get the approval of your doctor first.

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