Monday, September 2, 2013

5 Step Emergency Plan For Childhood Asthma

Childhood asthma is a common condition which is thought to affect more than a million children in the UK and many more world-wide. Asthma can differ from child to child, for example many children have mild symptoms for most of the time whereas some usually have more troublesome symptoms.

Childhood asthma and adult asthma have the same underlying cause -- inflammation of the airways. This inflammation makes the airways overly sensitive, leading to signs and symptoms that range from minor coughing or wheezing to serious flare-ups that interfere with breathing.

Childhood asthma can be so severe that it is practically debilitating, and can really take one's childhood away from them. If your child has asthma, also known as pediatric asthma, it is important that you make yourself as educated as you can on the disease and also that you watch and make sure that their symptoms do not worsen.

Warning Signs.

The warning signs in childhood asthma are

  • Wheezing and coughing in the early morning.

  • Increased symptoms after exercise or exertion.

  • Waking at night with a cough or a wheeze.

  • Increased use for reliever therapy

Wheezing is often heard when a person with asthma exhales, but may also be heard when a person inhales, tightness of the chest or coughing during or after exercise or activity shows that this is a trigger of your asthma. However, it's better to control your asthma than to avoid exercise.

Treatments for Childhood Asthma.

The good news is that there are a lot of treatments available now, some of them are:

  • Home remedies for asthma

  • Relievers

  • Preventers

  • Spacers

  • Nebulizers (produces a very fine mist of medicine)

Natural asthma treatments are as much about thinking and acting smart as they are about adding non-Western approaches to your management program. For instance, the best natural treatment is to avoid known triggers.

Home remedies for asthma attacks are available through the holistic methods which treat the symptoms of asthma as more of an allergy based condition. However, there are a few natural asthma remedies that an individual can utilize to help strengthen the lung capacity as well as rebuilding the body.

Although there is no known cure for asthma, modern asthma medications and natural asthma treatments, can effectively reduce a child's symptoms and allow him to lead a full and active life.

An Emergency Plan

Any asthma attack can be life-threatening, so have and emergency plan of action agreed with y our doctor for very severe attacks.

  • At the start of the attack give your child his usual reliever. Wait about ten minutes and if there is no improvement send for an ambulance.

  • Repeat the treatment until the breathing symptoms improve or until help arrives.

  • Give your child steroid tablets if they've been prescribed by your doctor

  • Keep your child in an upright position.

  • Call your doctor or an ambulance or take your child to the nearest hospital.


One of the most damaging of these for children is the belief that the condition will improve every seven years or can even disappear completely.

Unfortunately, any apparent improvement is probably due to hormonal changes as the child's immune system matures. The underlying condition does not go away and not managing it can lead to long-term lung damage.

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