Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Link Between Your Yeast Infection and Asthma

When most people think about yeast infections (when they think about them at all, which is probably when they, or someone close to them actually has one) nine times out of ten they will think of vaginal infection. Which is fair enough, as that is the most usual area where these infections take hold.

However, yeast will grow in many places in and on our bodies, such as under the armpits and breasts, in folds of skin, and commonly in the mouth. When we get a yeast infection in the mouth it is referred to as oral thrush. To be strictly accurate the term thrush refers to the temporary candida infection that often occurs in the mouth of babies, however they still occur commonly in adults.

Candida Albicans, the yeast fungus that causes oral thrush, is present in the mouths of almost half the population. And everyone who wears dentures will have candida present, but without necessarily causing any problems. Problems only occur when the balance of organisms in the mouth is upset in some way to allow the yeast to take the upper hand as it were.

This is where asthma comes into the equation. Sufferers of asthma (and this condition is on the rise worldwide) commonly use inhalers to help their breathing. These inhalers contain several different chemicals, including steroids. So it's not hard to see that using an inhaler will upset the balance of micro-organisms in the mouth. Reducing the amount of "good" bacteria that normally keep things in check, and allowing the yeast infection to take hold.

Oral thrush manifests itself by the appearance of creamy, yellow, slightly raised spots in the mouth. These are not generally painful, but oral thrush can cause a burning sensation in the mouth and throat.

Now I'm not saying that all asthma sufferers should throw out their inhalers. They are an essential tool in the treatment of the condition. However it may be possible to reduce their use significantly. Just being aware of the connection, especially if you are prone to yeast infection, may help to stop you reaching for the inhaler when it is not strictly necessary.

There is also another, natural method that you can use to control your asthma, and this will also significantly reduce, and possibly even overcome, your yeast infection as well. This is as simple as drinking sufficient water. Yes, you may well have heard this before. You may even have tried it for a short time. But this is something that should be part of everyone's daily routine.

We are nearly all dehydrated to some degree or other. We are made up of a large proportion of water. An average adult male contains 55% of his body weight as water, and we need to maintain the correct proportion for our well-being.

dehydration has been proved to be detrimental to us in a number of ways, and symptoms of dehydration include asthma and yeast infections. We get theswe symptoms, or signals if you like, because thirst is not a good indicator of our need for water. Although we require water in significant quantities nature has given us a high tolerance for thirst. Therefore, by the time we actually feel thirsty we are already somewhat dehydrated.

We should be drinking half our pound bodyweight in ounces every day. That is to say a 150 pound person should drink 75 ounces of water daily. But to keep it even simpler say eight to ten glasses of water a day should suffice for most of us.

Make sure that it's plain water, do not include tea, coffee, juices, and alcohol in your calculation. Tea, coffee, and alcohol are actually diuretics and will dehydrate you rather that hydrate you. And don't just give it up after a week or two when you feel better (as you will) make it a daily habit and you will soon get on top of your asthma and your yeast infection.

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