Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Asthma Cures - Is There Such a Thing?

Not all asthma attacks are created equal and hence not all asthma cures are sufficient for the world's 300 million asthmatics. This complex disease is influenced by a wide variety of factors that are not entirely known today. Factors such as the environment and genetics all play a role in determining the type and degree of asthma. Throughout history, different remedies have been prescribed both within the medical field and without. Thus, a wide range of prescription drugs exist in the market today to address asthma on different levels.

To date, there are literally hundreds of prescription drugs and delivery mechanisms that all try to address the symptoms if not the disease itself.

Loose classification of such asthma cures are as follows:

1. Liquids - A few examples of which are Airomol Liquid, Airomol Liquid PD both by Caimol. Albutamol Syrup by Centaur. Betasma Plus Syrup by Vilco Lab.

2. Tablets - Bambudil Tablets by Cipla. Betaday Tablets by Solares. Betnesol / Forte Tablets by Glaxo. Coszin Tablets by CFL.

3. Inhalers - Asthalin Inhaler / Ecopack Inhaler / Rotacaps by Cipla. Azrol Inhaler by Solares. Beclate Inhaler / Rotacaps by Cipla

These are but a few of the cures for the pulmonary type of asthma. Development is constantly pursued to guarantee a comprehensive solution. Also in this list are the myriads of home and natural remedies that abound in the industry today.

Nasal and oral sprays are now being considered for application to asthma as viable alternatives to the trial and error approach most often encountered by parents who are constantly looking for a cure for their child.

It must be understood that diagnosis is not a simple matter of identifying symptoms and conditions as various patients exhibit different reactions to different kinds of treatments. While some forms of non fatal asthma are easily cured by home remedies, severe variants of the disease may be harder to diagnose correctly. A thorough evaluation of the patient's genealogical history and blood work may be helpful as certain types of the disease are transmitted genetically.

Furthermore, natural treatment not only comes in the form of applying medication but also addressing the ulterior symptoms that accompany it. Early symptoms and triggers of asthma such as emotional stress may be treated by avoiding situations which could set off the negative response. Hence the natural asthma cures are indeed literally and figuratively seen as natural in that the approach to them should be taken holistically.

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