Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Does Asthma and Exercise Help to Reduce Attacks

Asthma is such a common condition that I think most of know someone or know of someone who suffers from this awful condition. I remember one lad back from my high school days that used to have asthma attacks during physical education. I often used to wonder why they had him exercise if it was only going to make him suffer. I've since found out that contrary to popular belief, a careful exercise plan is actually recognized as a beneficial part of any asthma treatment plan. Let me explain.

Asthma and exercise actually have a unique relationship but it's very important to understand this relationship and how the two relate. It's true, asthma and exercise don't always go cap in hand which is why it is crucial to understand why it is that physical activity can bring on an attack. Whenever we physically exert ourselves, we increase our body's need for more oxygen and consequently this makes our breathing considerably harder and faster. We've all overexerted ourselves at one time or another and therefore know those awful feelings of breathlessness, tightening of the chest, and in some cases, heavy panting. All of these are symptoms of a typical asthma attack.

After reading the above you may still be wondering what possible benefits there are for the asthma sufferer to exercise at all. Well, it's a known fact that the asthma sufferer who exercises frequently actually reports having fewer attacks than when they did not exercise. The reason for this is simple. Physical exercise improves overall physical health and whenever we're in good physical shape, out body's cope much better with any complaints and illnesses that challenge us, including asthma.

This doesn't mean that the asthma sufferer should fly out the door after reading this and attempt a 4 minute mile, as asthma and exercise require the correct planning. Remember, we're all different so it's unwise to generalize here. Any asthma sufferer that wants to include regular exercise into their treatment plan should first consult their doctor about the various types of exercise. Also, and this is very important, before embarking on any new exercise regime, an asthma sufferer should be certain that they are already managing their asthma in the correct way on a daily basis.

It probably goes without saying but it's crucial that when getting into an asthma and exercise program of action that the sufferer has the appropriate medical equipment at hand at all times, including their inhalers. It's a good idea to have a simply check list so that you are certain to pack what you need prior to your workout.

It's always a good idea to be mindful of how you are feeling during the workout and it's also important to stop the moment you feel any symptoms coming on. Taking care or yourself is paramount when doing any asthma and exercise fitness plan, and an understanding how 'your' asthma and exercise work together is a must.

Remember, fit and healthy sufferers of asthma have less attacks generally than those that do little or no regular exercise, but as mentioned earlier, consult your doctor first so that you can work out a plan specifically for you.

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